Chapter 16 - I know your secret

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Annetta POV

"Now..." Ryan pulled me down onto his lap, resting his hand over my swollen stomach. "Why was my best doctor, the one that's caring for my mate health almost murdered by my beta mate?!"

"Why don't you ask them two why they were kissing!" Luke snarled.

My eyes widen to that.

"Jonathan? Evan?"

"It just happened he was angry, and it was hot. I mean, it wasn't hot, I mean URRR." Jonathan shut himself up, getting frustrated on not being able to spit his words out

"Jonathan..." he looked at me. "Calm down, think, and rephrase your words. We got time," I smiled.

"I don't," Luke huffed.

"Respect your Luna orders," Ryan growled.

That shut him up.

"I guess Evan and I never buried the hatchet. We still had unfinished discussions. Like everything was rushed. Evan screaming at me just brought back memories. "

"Do you still love him?"

"I..." he frowned to himself. "I don't know,"

"Is there a thing where you can have two mates?" I asked Ryan.

"It's possible... maybe Jonathan does"

"Impossible, why is Luke got the scent, the touch for him and I don't then?"

"There's a lot to be solved"

"Like with Lee," Jonathan sighed.

"Why? Are you still figuring out where to dump him?"

"Yes, love," Ryan answered rather quickly.

"Oh... like we said, the ocean, " I giggled.

He playfully rolled his eyes, giving the tip of my nose a peck. "Ok, maybe I'm a little tired now."

"Go." He chuckled as he helped me up.

"If there's any problem, you can talk to me." I directed that to all 3 of them,"

"Thank you, Annetta," Jonathan whispered.

Ryan POV

She smiled at him as she left.

"I can see she's..."

"Much better"

"She seems that way. I do see her flinch a little. But I'm glad she's not... scared"

"You're really starting to fall in love with her, aren't you?"

"Don't change the topic! I'm dealing with a three-way here!"

"Like that would happen," Luke snorted.

"Wait... she doesn't know Lee escaped?" Luke suddenly questioned.

"No, and I would like to keep it that way. That's an order!"

"Yes, Alpha," they all mumbled.

Annetta POV

"Hey Annetta,"

"Hey Brock, do you know what we're having tonight?" I giggled.

"Well, you are feeding for two," he chuckled.

"Hey babe? Where's my food?!" Brian whined next door

"It's cooking, you impatient person!"

"Bri-Bear, give credit for your lover whilst you're sat on your lazy arse," I mocked.

Brock burst out laughing, and a very angry irish man came storming in.

"I am not lazy!"

"Really?" Brock questioned.

"You'll be sleeping on the floor tonight if you don't shut up!"

"Like I've heard that before," he rolled his eyes.

As they bickered like always, I hunched over groaning a little.


"See! Look what you did!"

"Me?! How is it my fault?!"

"Guys!" It was Bryce. Brock was kind enough to sit me down. "Sorry," I whimpered.

"No... don't be. Brian gets Ryan, " Bryce ordered as he crouched down in front of me.

"My head," I squeezed my eyes shut, gasping a little.

"Annetta... love." I felt his hands rest on my cheeks feeling the little tingles which calmed me.

I slowly opened my eyes to see the concern look he was giving me. "Her wolf trying to contact you but because you guys can't mate and the mark blocking it..." Evan said, leaning on the doorframe

"She's rejecting the pup and is trying so hard, which is making Annetta have a migraine..."

"Get her to my office. Just give me a second."

Evan POV

As I went to go see Jonathan, I was harshly grabbed, being pulled around a corner by the one I wanted to see devil mate. "What?!" I growled.

"How did you know it was me?" He spat.

I couldn't help but get amused.

"I know everything, Luke."


"Many ways, if I was you. I would be nice. Don't want Jonny getting upset about what his mate hiding," I fake pouted.

"Are you blackmailing me, doctor?!

"It's more like a warning. But the next time I will say something. Keep that in mind, Lukey." I bumped shoulders with him, leaving him speechless.

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