Chapter 75 - Too quiet

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5 months later

Ryan POV

Since the threat a few months back it's been too quiet... Arabella first birthday was coming up. She managed to say 'Dada' and 'Mama' and she's picking up a few words in a sentence and she's starting to walk around a lot more. "Baby, I'm hungry again" Annetta whined on the couch laying on Jon with her legs up on me. "What do you want?" I sighed.

"Foooood" "You're very picky Annetta" "Are you saying you don't love me?!" Her eyes started watering up. "What? No! No!" "Jonathan he doesn't love me" she cried. "It's ok, your big brother loves you" I glared at Jon for that when he was grinning at me.

"Cake?" She stopped crying slowly looking to me. "Is it chocolate?" "...Yes?" "Yes!" "I'll go get you it..." I nervously chuckled leaving her to Jon.

"Moreeee" Arbaella squealed as Craig was making the spoon as an aeroplane. "Here it comes" she was gigging kicking her legs about when she didn't open her mouth. "Bella..." "mmm-mmm" she shook her head no as I chuckled at that get a small plate out.

"Open" she backed away. "You'll get some cake..." he said seeing me with the cake in my hand. Her eyes lit up as she opened her mouth. "Wow thanks Craig..." "It got her too" he shrugged.

Luke came in out breath but smiling. "Where's Jon?" I pointed the way, he ran as I just shrugged it off cutting a small slice for Arabella since she'll throw a bitchy tantrum and a slice for Annetta, funny thing is she ain't a chocolate kinda person yet she wants one... I can never understand women...

"Here ya go sweetie" I made sure her bib was on properly and tucked any loose blonde strand of hair behind her ear so it won't go brown. She squealed using her hand straight away. "You're cleaning her up after this since you promised her it" I ordered to Craig. He put his hands up. "Alright Alpha" he mocked. "That's Mr Alpha to you" I narrowed my eyes. He just smirked.

I heard Jon and Annetta scream in excitement. The fuck? I walked in with her cake. "What's going on?" "It worked! Jenny pregnant!" Jon said. "I'm gonna be an Auntie!" Annetta squealed clapping her hands. I passed her the plate. She smiled at that taking it only she gave me a kiss for it. "Thank you handsome"

I'm getting use to the sweet talk...

"How far?" "2 weeks" "Oh my god!" 'Not gonna lie Evan isn't too please..." "He can have kids with her after. He's still young I ain't getting any younger!"


"I'm so happy for you!" When I tried getting a bit of chocolate frosting she growled making my eyes widen. Shit...

"Mine" she huffed walking away. Well then. "There's Daddy" I turned around seeing her stretch her arms out to me. "Daddy!" She giggled as I smiled taking her. "Hello gorgeous" she placed her hands on my cheeks messing around squishing them together. "Bella" I chuckled pulling her hands away. She layed her head on my shoulder. I gave her a light kiss on the top of her head.

I saw Jon smile at us. Jon was expecting a kid, Annetta due in 5 weeks, Arabella gonna be 1 in less than a week. It was starting to come together.

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