Tail's Workshop

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We stood outside Tail's workshop. It seemed so empty and dead. I hoped the little guy was alright. We slowly walked in,not knowing what to expect. I searched the whole place,"Tails! You in here buddy?" I heard no response. It started raining outside and Mickinzee suggested we stay here for the night,"There is no sign of walkers and its safer in here than out there.''She said looking at me. I didn't respond, I was too worried about Tails...What if he was hurt,trapped,or even a zombie by now. 

Mickinzee looked at me,she understood how I felt."Its gonna be okay...It seems your little friend is very smart." She smiled looking around at his inventions. I looked around,"Yeah...He's the smartest person I know." She looked at me like im an idiot, "Then why are you worried?" I looked at her like she wasn't understanding. I looked around once more...Tails is smart! Hes smart enough to protect himself and the orthers! I smiled feeling reassured. I felt so much better after she had said that.

I hugged Mickinzee and thanked her. She blushed,"Im always here for you, Sonic." She smiled then stared down at her backpack.That made me feel like the biggest jerk in the world, I abonded her even when I promised I'd stay with her,and here she is standing by my side, defending me and making me feel like a million bucks. The truth is, I still don't know why I left her. I looked at her and she smiled at me, I smiled back, but everytime I make her smile I feel like she doesn't deserve this. 

I found a match and a couple of broken peices of wood and we made a fire. As we sat in front of the fire, we told jokes and stories. My favorite story was the one Mickinzee told, "A lonesome lady was making popcorn. It was snowing outside and the ground was covered in sparkling snow. The lady walked in front of her sliding glss door, because she heard a noise. When she looked outside then she saw a man holding a knife. She screamed and quickly called the police.The police searched the backyard but there were no footprints. She decided she was imaging it and went on to her popcorn when, she saw wet foot prints inside the house."

 My stomach started to growl. She grabbed her bag but I stopped her."No its okay,I owe you this one." I smiled and ran into Tails hideout,me and him come in here sometimes when Amy starts to look for me. I had a secret stash of food under the floorboard and luckily it was still there. There were marshmallows,soda,twinkies and,my favorite, preservative chilli dogs! I grabbed all that I could and headed back in the room where the fire lit up the whole workshop. She noticed the chilli dogs and her eyes widened,"You still like those?" She asked pointing towards the chilli dogs."Like? I love chilli dogs!" I smiled,stuffing one in my face.

She watched me stuff my face in amazment. "What?" I asked, still chewing my food. "Do you remeber why you like chilli dogs?" I shook my head,no. She laughed,"Well,when we were kids You used to hate chilli beans,but you loved hot dogs. And you used to be so picky with them,so One day I put chilli beans all over your hotdog and...you loved it." I swallowed the rest of the chillidog. I started laughing."I remeber that! I couldn't stop eating them after that!" We both started laughing.She looked at me, her dark eyes lightining up. She scooted closer to me,"Yeah,but you've lost a lot of weight since then!" She patted my belly,and started laughing. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

She pulled out her sleeping bag and set it down by me. It's funny  when I first met this girl she wouldn't even look at me,now...I stared at her,her eyes lit up in the starry night. Now I never want her to leave my side. I smiled and stared up at the stars until I drifted off into sleep.

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