The Hooded Stranger

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I wake up and I have no idea where I am. Its dark and im definitly outside,I see the full moon and brigthly lit stairs. It smells like smoke and rotten corpses,not a pleasent smell to wake up to. I try standing up but quickly fall to my knees. I was starving and I was too weak to get up. I feel like im gonna die,I need a chillidog and soon! 

I then hear foot steps walking towards me. I didnt bother looking up I was too tired and hungry so I stay there on my knees looking down at the ground,hoping the stranger has food.Then a female voice came from the stranger,"Your not dead..." I look up and see a girl,that looks around my age,with a hood over her face. I only see her dark eyes glow from under her hood. "Youve been out for awhile.'' The stanger said. I couldnt ask or say anything I was lightheaded and starving I stumbled to the ground and fell back to sleep.

My eyes slowly opened and turned to see the hooded stranger watching me and roasting a can over a fire. FOOD! I thought and I scould smell the roasting chilli beans. I was practically drooling when I smelt the food. The hooded stranger takes the can away from the fire, and my eyes follow the can. The stranger pops open the can and takes a spoonful and blows on it.

"Be careful its hot." She said giving me the spoon which sat the cooked chilli beans. I didnt care how hot they were,I stuffed my face with the can the cooked beans and I didnt feel sick anymore,well...more or less. After stuffing my face with the first food I had ever since the explosion....''The Explosion!!!'' I thought. I stood up and looked around. I couldnt see anything besides the glow of the fire lightning up the dark and cold night.

I turned to the stranger,"What happened after the explosion?" The stranger looked down at the ground as if in great pain."After the explosion..? Well...".   She turned to me her dark eyes filled with pain, ''After the explosion everything and everyone either died or..." She stopped her words and turned away."What?! Please I need to know!" She turned to me her dark eyes softened and her voice lowered. "They either died or...turn into an undead corpse!" 

I didnt know if she was crazy or if I was crazy."You mean like a zombie?" I asked,nervous to hear the answer. She turned to me," a zombie."   ''Okay'' I thought, shes crazy. But then I looked at the stranger,the pain in her eyes told me ortherwise. ''I'm crazy?'' I suggested to myself. 

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