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Eskild: I'm at the store

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Eskild: I'm at the store. Does anyone need anything?

Noora: there's no more toilet paper

Eskild: Isak, do you need anything?

Isak: maybe a Fanta

Linn: I've experienced heartache before Isak. It fucking sucks. Locked myself inside my room all day.

Noora: so you're still heartbroken?

Linn: no? First you're depressed, sad and hurt. Then the hate comes.

Isak: I will never start hating Even.

Linn: Just wait, it’s coming
Hate is a good thing. It means you’re starting to get over him.

Linn: And when you've stopped hating him, you start becoming indifferent and then you'll be able to start loving someone new.

Linn: Then you'll start looking back at what the two of you had, and see it as a nice experience - that's it.

Eskild: Linn has never been this active in the chat before.

Noora: I know. I think Isak hit a soft spot with the Fanta.

Me right now:

Me right now:

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