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Jonas: Shalom

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Jonas: Shalom

Isak: Salaam

Jonas: Heard anything from Even?

Isak: No

Jonas: Go on over to him

Isak: But he'd respond if he wanted to talk, I'll see how this weekend works out

Jonas: But then you'll join (us) out tomorrow?

Isak: I'm going to a concert with the family

Jonas: Jeez

Isak: Ehehehe. This time for real. Maybe after it's done.

Jonas: ok

Jonas: But don't rage on Mahdi if he asks you what you're doing

Isak: Haha ok

Jonas:Peacenluv* (peace&love). Need to sleep.

Isak: Night

Ma ci credete che stasera esce il nuovo episodio? Io sono in ansiaaaaa
E considerando che le due clip già uscite prenderanno si o no 5 minuti, ce ne restano altri venti di episodio....ANSIA.

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