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Noora: I had to go, how is Even?

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Noora: I had to go, how is Even?

Isak: Sort of the same. We watched a movie. Now he's asleep.

Eskild: I see that it's my turn tomorrow (looking after Even), but I'm actually supposed to sell krill on Karl Johan (street name).

Eskild: Can someone change schedules with me?

Noora: krill?

Eskild: Je suis krill (i am krill)

Linn: I can be with Even on Wednesday

Linn: Do you guys think I might be bipolar too?

Linn: I can really identify with Even.

Noora: Manic Linn

Eskild: If you're bipolar, I'm straight

Linn: I could be?

Eskild: That's completely correct Linn. When we're done with project-watch-over-Even, we'll start project-activate-Linn. 2017 is going to be your year.

Eskild mi fa morire😂😂😂

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