stop three

3 1 0

We get out and let it be known that this is our third and final stop. Mason fills the car with gas and Aj heads inside. I'm disappointed so I lean against the side of the car next to Mase and watch him. He asks me if I have to go to the bathroom and I say no even though I'm dying to go, I want to be with him. He finishes and while the others get in the car we head in to get key chains. We pick one in the shape of a giraffe, an elephant, a whale, a cat, monkey, and pig. He gave me the pig and wrote something on the back that I swore to myself I wouldn't look at until we got home so I put in in my pocket so it would be less tempting. We gave everyone their key chains, picked up Charlie, he sucked on a mint and changed his shirt. Emma and Mason did rock paper scissors to see who would drive the last shift and Mason lost.

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