Chapter Three: The Bridal Shower

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With the wedding and party preparations, days turned into weeks that it was soon three days before what the local media was dubbing as the country's wedding of the year.

But before that, it was the day Wolf and Alexis had been waiting for as that night was John's stag party and Chandria's bachelorette party. Alexis had really set her mind to it and made it the grandest one of its kind she had prepared.

Elizabeth helped Alexis when she could. However, she was kept busy by her mother with all the dates she was setting her daughter with. In fact, Elizabeth had gone on more blind dates in just less than two months than she ever did in her entire life.

It was lunch time and she was in another date. She and her blind date were in a café in the metro and he was boring her with the public relations debacle he and his company were currently in. Not to mention the fact that he had been trying to casually feel her up every chance he could. It was a good thing Elizabeth caught on early and had managed to place distance between them. So there they were, drinking coffee while he was droning on and on in what seemed to Elizabeth was a never-ending speech on how the media was ruining his business with bad PR.

She had already completely zoned out and if her date noticed it, he didn't mention it. She knew it was rude but she couldn't help it. Her gaze was wandering around the café but fell on the couple on the table behind her date. The girl's back was turned to her and she was blocking Elizabeth's view of the guy. But there was a brief moment that the girl leaned over and Elizabeth caught a glimpse of the guy. She couldn't place it but she felt as if he looked familiar.

"Elizabeth, Elizabeth," her date waved his hand on front of her face.

Elizabeth blinked a few times and focused her eyes on her date's face, "What?"

"I said, do you want to go somewhere more private? Say, my place?" the guy smugly smiled as she felt his foot brush up and down her leg.

Elizabeth scrunched up her eyebrows, "Excuse me?"

"I said-"

"No, I heard you. Are you suggesting what I think you're saying?"

"If you mean if I'm asking you back to my place to have se-"

Elizabeth cut him off with a scoff, "First of all, ew. If you haven't noticed, you've been boring me out of my mind with that shit you've been spouting for the past hour. Second, it is your fault your company is facing all that bad PR. And if you think dating me and hoping to get under my pants will help you and your shitty personality and miraculously save your company from all these, then you're sadly mistaken. And lastly, please get the hell out of here before I let slip to all the reporters I know how much of a pervert you are. And you're not even that good-looking."

"What the fuck?"

"Leave. Now. Or I swear I'll ruin your company with more bad publicity."

With clenched fists and cursed words, her date stood up and stormed out the café. Elizabeth just rolled her eyes after him until she heard stifled laughter. Her eyes zeroed in the guy seated in the table next to them, the one she thought looked familiar.

The girl was nowhere to be found and she was guessing this guy heard her outburst.

But when she finally realized who it was, her eyes widened in recognition, "Chris?"

He look a bit different from how she remembered her. He looked healthier, a bit buffer than before, she noticed. Chris smiled at her, "I knew it. Elizabeth, right? You're Chan-chan's – I mean, Chandria's friend?"

"Bestfriend, actually. What are you doing here?"

"In a blind date, actually. Who was that guy?"

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