Chapter Six: Moments

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The next day after Alexis found out that she was pregnant, she was woken up by Wolf who was still suffering from a hangover. He was woken up by a phone call to which it turned out that an emergency came up regarding one of their hotels.

He was hungover and a little pissed that his vacation with his wife was getting ruined that he was in a bad mood all morning. Wolf had told Alexis she could stay with Elizabeth on the island if she wanted to while he returned to the metro to fix things.

As much as he wanted to stay, John was not in the country and was off in his honeymoon while Wolf didn't want to bother his Dad with it. He and John had agreed to slowly take the reins of their hotel business from their father and passing this little trouble onto him was in no way doing that.

But Alexis told Wolf that she would come back to the metro with him, seeing the opportunity to get a checkup while Wolf was busy. She had asked Elizabeth if she wanted to stay but Elizabeth didn't so she went with them when they returned back to the metro.

When they returned, the three of them parted ways. Wolf headed to their hotel's head office, while Alexis and Elizabeth said they were going back to their own homes.

Elizabeth was fetched by a driver. When she arrived home, she was about to come in the front door when she noticed that her mother's car was still in the driveway.

"Is my mom still here?" she asked the driver.

"Yes, Miss," the driver answered.

Elizabeth cursed under her breath, "Can I have the keys please. Just ask someone to take my luggage up my room, thanks!"

The driver handed her the keys and Elizabeth immediately drove off before her mother had the chance to see her and nag her into going into another blind date. She thought she really needed to get a place of her own and stop living under her parents' roof whenever she comes back here.

She was driving aimlessly to pass the time until her mother left the house. She didn't realize she had driven in front of Chris' restaurant, Carpe Diem, she now saw it was called. She shrugged to herself. She was there anyway so she might as well go in and say hi. And maybe eat since she was feeling a little hungry.

A small bell chimed when she opened the door and a waiter greeted her.

"Uhm, is Chris here?" she asked.

"Liz!" she heard someone called her.

"Hey," Elizabeth smiled.

Chris nodded to the waiter to tell him he got this one, "You're back already?"

"Yeah, uhm, didn't want to stay there since Lex and Wolf had to come back here. And, you know, uhm, the wedding was yesterday, and uhm," Elizabeth stammered. It was still incredibly awkward for her to talk about Chandria to Chris.

Chris laughed, "Come on, let's go to the back and somewhere more private. Have you eaten?"

Elizabeth shook her head and Chris looked back at her and said, "Do you mind if I order for you?"


"Okay then," Chris stopped by the counter and ordered something for Elizabeth then led her to a little booth in one corner of the restaurant.

"Thanks," Elizabeth said when Chris pulled the chair for her. She continued to look around her, noticing the modern interior design.

"Is it bad?" Chris interrupted her thoughts.

"Hm? What is?" Elizabeth said.

"My restaurant, the interior. You've been looking around for a while now with a little frown on your face."

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