Chapter Nine: Problems Arising

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"I wonder what happened to Marco and Liz yesterday," Chandria said from the backseat. She, Alexis and Wolf were on their way to the clinic as her brother and sister-in-laws fetched her.

John wanted to go with her but since it was his first day back in the office, Chandria told him that it was just a check-up anyway and convinced him that she'd go with Wolf and Alexis instead. Besides, she reasoned out that both him and Wolf couldn't be absent to work that day.

"Something good, I hope," Alexis answered as she took a sip of water. She wasn't feeling that well today and it was really bothering her how she was constantly in need of bed rest as she wasn't the type to stay still.

"Wouldn't Chris be pissed when he finds out that Liz just went out with another guy?" Wolf answered as he put on some shades.

"They're not in a relationship yet, they're just dating," Chandria answered. She had also convinced Alexis not to tell Wolf while John didn't know yet, saying it was only fair.

"Besides, this is Marco," Alexis added.

"Yeah, that dude who was in love with Liz way back and tried to steal her from Alvin," Wolf said. "Huh, come to think of it, it feels like the past is coming back to haunt us. Fuck, if that Ryan dude shows up, I'll fucking break his arm."

Alexis rolled her eyes at him, "As if he even got a chance in the first place."

Wolf glanced at her and grinned, "That's right. I'm your one and only, huh?"

"Ew, guys, please, I'm in the backseat," Chandria teased them.

"Oh you haven't seen anything yet, Cha," Wolf laughed.

They continued with the light banter all the way throughout their trip to the clinic. Alexis and Wolf went to see the doctor first to which Alexis voiced out her concern over her excessive nausea, dizziness, and severe headaches.

"Hmm, while those are still relatively normal, those aren't good signs," Doc Moira said.

"What do you mean, Doc?" Wolf said, alarmed. "Is my wife okay?"

"Don't worry, as I said, those are still normal symptoms. But, just to be cautious, I'd suggest pregnancy home care for Alexis," Doc Moira said. "A nurse can visit her thrice a week, daily if need be, so we could track whether or not these are early stages of something else."

"Whatever she and our baby need, Doc," Wolf answered.

Doc Moira nodded, "I can endorse you to AllHealth. They're the best when it comes to providing home health care during pregnancy."

"I'll have my people talk to them," Wolf said.

"Thank you, Doc Moira," Alexis smiled.

After their turn, Wolf and Alexis waited by the lounge for Chandria as she talked to the doctor. Wolf left Alexis for a moment because she had left her water bottle in the car and had asked Wolf to get it for her.

She was typing a text for Elizabeth when she felt it again, the hair standing in her nape and that creepy feeling that someone was watching her.

When she looked up from her phone to look around, a hooded person caught her eye once again. Whoever it was was standing near the fire exit, a few feet away from her. What caught her attention this time was when she turned to look was the same moment that person turned away, as if he or she was just caught looking.

"Baby," she heard Wolf call her. She turned and saw him walking towards her, then held out her bottled water for her to take.

"Thank you," she said, taking it. Then she turned around to look at that person once more but whoever it was, he or she had left.

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