Chapter Eleven: Threats to Happiness

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"Mother?" Wolf scoffed. "You must be fucking kidding me. My wife's mom is dead."

"I just- I'm. I just want to see my daughter," the woman insisted. "I don't mean her any harm."

"Stop lying!" Wolf glared at her. "You've been stalking my wife for weeks now!"

"No, I- please, I just want to see her!" the woman pleaded but Wolf ignored her. He ordered his men to take the woman and take her to the precinct for questioning. Wolf came with them as he had every intention to interrogate her himself.

"We've IDed her, Sir," a police officer said to Wolf when he arrived at the precinct. "Her name's Carlotta Garcia."

"I want to question her myself," Wolf said.

The police officer nodded, "We can have that arranged. We can also file a stalking case against her."

"Let me talk to her first," Wolf said and the officer led Wolf to an interrogation room.

Carlotta was seated on a chair with her head down. She only looked up when the door opened and Wolf came in.

"Wolf!" Carlotta said. "I promise I won't harm Alexis, please. Just let me see my daughter."

Wolf leaned on the wall near the door and frowned. He wasn't surprised that she knew him. After all, if she'd been stalking Alexis, he was sure to know who he is, "What do you want?"

"My daughter, please, I just-"

"Stop saying she's your daughter! Alexis' mom is dead!"

"No. I'm- she's not her mom. I am! I promise I'm telling you the truth!" Carlotta pleaded. "I gave birth to Alexis 25 years ago. I swear!"

"I may not have met Mrs. Emily but I'm damn sure you're not her!" Wolf retorted. "She died giving birth to my wife and I'm not about to let you tarnish her memory with this bullshit."

"Emily's not her mom! I am!" Carlotta screamed.

Wolf gritted his teeth, "Then fucking prove it."

"Have you ever seen pictures of Emily pregnant with Alexis, huh? Has Alexis? Ask her!"

"That doesn't prove anything," Wolf glared.

"Then in my car! There's pictures! I have pictures of when I was pregnant and when she was still a baby! I even kept her ID bracelet with me. Just look!" Carlotta begged.

Wolf just blankly looked at her, "What do you want? If what you're saying is true then what do you want from Alexis?"

Carlotta was taken aback by Wolf's sudden calm demeanor, "I... I just want to see her."

"And then what? Live happily ever after and fulfil motherly roles when all her life she never knew you existed? And now you suddenly show up claiming to be her mother no less! Why now? If you're really her mother, why show up now? Where were you years ago? Where were you when she needed a mother beside her? Where were you when her father died? Where were you when she nearly died," Wolf said, venomous anger lacing voice. "Now tell me what do you fucking want or I swear I'll have you locked up behind bars for the rest of your life."

"I..." Carlotta cowered from her chair. "... just want to tell her I'm sorry. I just want to spend time with her."

Wolf glared at her one last time. This wasn't getting them anywhere so Wolf opened the door to leave but stopped on his tracks when he heard her speak again, "I'm dying, Wolf. I just want to spend the time I have left with her."

Wolf gritted his teeth and closed his eyes for a second before he slammed the door behind him.

In the meantime, Alexis had just taken Chandria home.

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