Chapter Fifteen: Propositions

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"Kuya Kevin, I swear those are just rumors," Chandria said for the hundredth time over the phone. She was still in her nightgown, pacing in the middle of their room. It was very early in the morning but both she and John were awake. John had an early morning meeting but Chandria was woken up by her brother's call.

She heard their bathroom door open. Chandria glanced back and saw John wearing only his black slacks, a towel draped around his shoulders. His hand swept out the few strands of hair that had fallen on his face.

"Chandria, Chandria!" she heard Kevin call from the other line. She shook her head and stopped staring at her half-naked husband. She once again listened to the barrage of questions her older brother had.

"Kuya, come on. I already explained it to you. I told you not to look at the video because it's nothing but lies-" Chandria started to explain again.

"Are you sure?" Kevin cut in. "The video's pretty damning, you know."

Kevin continued nagging her and Chandria rolled her eyes as she continued pacing. When she turned, she found John standing close to her, his hand outstretched. Chandria raised an eyebrow but handed him the phone nonetheless.

"Kevin," John cut off. "Will you please stop nagging my wife? I did not, am not, and will not cheat on her. So fucking please, stop disturbing her. We already explained it to you. Your parents believe us. Chandria believes me. I don't know what more you want."

"I'm just worried about my baby sister," Kevin defended.

"I appreciate that but you don't have to worry," John said as he placed an arm around Chandria. "I don't plan to fuck this marriage up. If you don't remember, my vows included 'til death do us part."

"So does mine!" Chandria quipped.

"Fine, fine. I guess I am worrying for nothing. Tell Chandria her niece misses her. You both should visit us soon," Kevin said.

"We will. Once things settle down here," John said. "Thanks, Kevin."

"Yeah. Bye," Kevin said before he hung up.

John returned Chandria's phone to her, "That's finally done."

"Sorry about that... Kuya's really just overprotective, you know."

"I understand that he'll be forever a pain in my ass," John grinned. "But hey, that's what big brothers do."

"Huh, you know what, I do remember Wolf telling me how much of a pain you are," Chandria giggled.

"He said that, huh?" John said, with a smile as he hugged her closer to him, nuzzling her neck. "I'm gonna kick his ass later for that."

Chandria laughed, wrapping her arms around him as she did so.

"I really love hearing that," John whispered. "I'm sorry, Bal."

"Hmm? About what?"

"That we're barely a month through our marriage and all this shit things are happening. It's not exactly how I imagined the start of our married life would be."

"Bal, it's not your fault."

"I just want you to be happy, you know. Build your own studio, go on dates with me, maybe help Lex with her charity works, and someday have kids of our own. Not this."

Chandria felt a pang on her chest with the mention of kids. She felt guilty that she was keeping something from her husband and thought how much she was being unfair to John. She was about to open her mouth and tell John about her medical condition when John's phone rang this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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