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We were still on the line, my body was literally shaking, his gaze was scary as shit. I've never been scared of a boy, and I can't understand why I'm being so scared about a boy that beat the shit out of my best friend. I mean, I know I am scared because what he said to me, ''you're going to pay for this.'' but if he's a gentleman (and I think he isn't.) he wouldn't do anything to me. Or to any other girl. I came back to reality when Sabrina was in front of me, her lips where moving but I just couldn't concentrate in what she was saying. When we got our schedules, the girls stayed near our first class while I went again to my locker to take out my books. Everyone was so busy in their stuff, looking their schedules, speaking with their friends or like me, taking out some books. This year we were 25 seniors, all of them in just one classroom, this year is going to get really wild. And I expect some wildness in here. 

The bell finally rang, everyone started their ways to their classroom, including me. My first lesson of the day, Biology. The room was full when I arrived, and I was fully aware of Harry,  but he wasn't even there. I felt all the relief taking my whole body. I sat on one of the back seats of the classroom, where I could me a little bit alone, my best friends where in the first rows, talking really loud, like usual. The teacher was there, sitting in his desk, a not so old man, with black hair and really awkward glasses. ''Everybody now on their seats!'' he practically yelled, he got all the atention of the seniors, some of them laughing at him, he was awkward. Really awkward, you could notice how uncomfortable he was at this point, when everyone was silent and watching his every move. ''My name is Will, but you should call me Mr. Rose.'' some guys at the back seats were laughing at his last name, they are pretty immature for they age, and they are the jerks, too. ''Just like your personality, you're a pretty flower Mr. Rose, or should I say, Mrs. Rose!'' everyone bursted in laugh, it was kinda mean being so harsh with him, he is awkward but he seems nice. ''Shut up! Or you will get your first detention of the year, mister.'' In the class, there was just one empty desk, and probably Harry is the only one that is missing in here. Mr. Rose started his class, after twenty minutes or so, the door opened wide, behind it, a Harry Styles with a grumpy face, like always, and a note in his hands. ''Mr. Styles, right?'' Asked Mr. Rose, he just nodded, ''We were wating for you,'' actually, no, I wasn't waiting him, ''Come in please and take your sit, there's only one left.'' When he got into the classroom, the guys that made fun of our teacher began to cheer him up, ''Hey, what's up, man!'' ''We were missing you, dude.'' ''Did you fucked some chick on your way?'' you could see his cheeky grin and how his left dimple was notable when the boys talked to him. His eyes were almost open, he was sexy as hell, but that kind of sexy that is scary, anyway, I just can't be by his side, in any way. He sat in the desk that was left, two rows away from my seat. His lean body and tan skin was notable under his black Rolling Stones shirt. 


''Before you leave!'' said the professor, ''You're going to do a project with two of your classmates, and the topic its about human reproduction. Also called by most of you, sex,'' everyone went crazy, they thought they could do the groups, ''Don't get too excited, ladies and gentlemen, I am going to choose your partners.'' I just wanted, and needed to be with Nora and Sabrina, ''First, Sabrina Smith with Nora Jenkins and...'' I could feel the excitement in me, hoping I would make it with them, '' Eva Brown.' Shit. The groups were forming and forming until just six were left, ''Harry Styles, Lexi Moore and for them i'm going to give them.... umm... Mrs. Chloe Allen.'' I felt a shock of electricity in my complete body, from head to toe. This couldn't be real just no, no no no, no. I'm going to cry.''

-No! Mr. Rose I have a little problem. -I said, I don't even know why I said that, oh my god i'm so fucking stupid. Everyone turned around to face me, and Harry was laughing, that son of a bitch ugh.

-Is there anything I can help you with?

-Y-yes.... ummm I have a problem, ermm I can't do ummm this project with my partners because I- I couldn't finish my sentence, Mr. Rose didn't let me finish.

-I know where you're heading Mrs, Allen, but no, you can't change your group.

Shit.... I turned my gaze to Harry and he was with this devilish grin in his face, I don't know, I don't fucking know what I'm going to do. Harry, the asshole that scares the shit out of me, and Lexi, the school's whore. My senior year is not going pretty well and It's the first day. ''You have one week to give me the project. You have to get together with your partners in your houses, and do it.'' well he's inviting the two person I don't even like, to my house. How great is that?

The bell rang again  and everyone was getting out of the classroom, while I was grabbing my books, my eyes fell to Harry again, who was on the door, when he looked at me, he murmured 'You're fucked up.'' and then he laughed again. 

Just three words for my fist day, I HATE SCHOOL.


The day went on really fast, it was the last class of the day, Spanish. I like this class a lot, because i'm Tom's partner, and Harry isn't here. Tom's bruises were slowly fading, and his face wasn't really bloated like before. The whole class was reading a text from the boring Spanish book, but I just couldn't stop flashing back the first day we saw Harry, making out with some redhead. How his lips moved in sync with hers, how passionate the kiss was, how slutty but at the same time desirable. I know this is fucking bad but I felt myself getting wet because of my stupid thoughts. But fuck man, Harry is scary as hell but also sexy as hell. 

-Did that asshole said something else to you again? -Said Tom, breaking my memories.

-How did you even know he said something to me?

-Sabrina told me. Why didn't you tell me?

-I didn't want to bother you... you were bleeding a lot and we all were drunk.

-Babe you know you can tell me everything you want. Chloe I'm your best friend, and you're mine. I know you always tell Sabrina and Nora but hey, I feel like sometimes you need a guy advice. 

-Okay... but no he hasn't. I have to do a project with him.

-What? really?

-Yeah... Biology and also with Lexi.

-Just let me tell you that if he does or says something to you, i'm going to beat the shit out of him, Chloe.

His eyes were glued on his book, frowning. He was serious about saying that, but I know Harry is stronger than him, he seems and looks stronger than Tom. 

-I know...

It was all I could say, the truth is, deeply, I know Tom isn't that brave to beat Harry. Everyone or most of the people is scared of him, even the guys, and the girls just keep trying to catch his attention, and they always get what they want, because he seems that kind of boy that doesn't care who the fuck is, he will make out with some random girl, always. When I first saw him he was flirting with a new girl. All I can think right now is that Harry neiither Lexi, are going to help me with the project, they will probably just flirt, while they expect me to do all the job. Oh god this is going to be the heaviest year of school.


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