Seven p.m.

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Some of you have asked me why I chose the name Abduction, well, abduction means extract something from your very deep soul and to draw something away from the midline of the body. Well, as we all know, Harry isnt such a lovely person and doesnt express his feelings, but Chloe will extract (abduct) Harry's love for her, and in Chloe's p.o.v, she will feel that Harry is taking something out (abducting) and away from her, something she have never felt for a boy before. So its bc of the love harry has for her and the love she has for him:) ENJOY THE CHAPTER!


The school was finally over, one day less of school. It was a really long and hard day, I mean it was my first day as a senior, I was suppoused to enjoy it but instead of enjoying it, it was one of the worst days of my life. While I walked alone in the last hallway of the school, someone grabbed my arm. ''Hey, loser.'' It was Lexi. ''We are going to arrive to your house tonight at seven p.m,'' I haven't notice Harry was holding her from behind, ''Right, baby?'' she said looking at Harry's face, ugh, I mean, Baby? really? what the fuck man, they know each other since today and they already have nicknames for eachother. Well I was waiting for that kind of stuff to happen but  not this fast. ''Yea, babe.'' I didn't answer him or her, I just pulled my arm out of her grasp and began walking my way to the car outside. 

I had plans for tonight, I was probably going out with the girls. We, or mostly, I, have one week to give this stupid project to our teacher. And what would happen if they come to my house and i'm not there? It''s a good and a bad plan, in the good way they would be so pissed off, their heads would probably explode, but in the bad way, they would get so pissed off, they would do something to me or to my house. Fuck I don't have a plan for this. I was finally in the parking lots, Nora and Sabrina were already in the car, waiting for me. You could notice how bored they were just because they probably had a lot of time waiting for me. Nora was in the pilot's seat, chewing a pink bubble gum and playing with her hair. Sabrina was with her cellphone in her little hands, while his strawberry blonde hair, fell to his face. ''Sorry, girls.''' I said while opening the door. Nora let out a groan, ''finally, chlo. We were going to die it''s so hot right now.'' ''yeah I know, sorry.''' Sabrina then began to talk, but oh what would she said. Probably Harry. ''Maybe it's so hot because Mr. sexy piece of shit is right in front of us.'' ''wha-'' When I noticed, Harry was walking infront of the car, the engine started but Harry's gaze was in Sabrina, with his little smirk and his eyes watching her every move. WHAT THE FUCK. STOP IT. ''Sabrina, are you fucking kidding me?'''   She let out a little giggle and turned her gaze to her phone again. ''Calm, down, chloe, you know how she is, she can flirt with everyone but she isn't that brave to talk to that boy. He is yous.'' I know this might sound stupid as hell but, I felt a little jealousy in me starting to rise. I know she is my best friend and that i'm more than scared of this guy but he provokes this on me. ''He isn't mine, I don't like him and I said that to her because she is suppoused to be away from him not flirting with him.'' The words came out of my mouth and I don't even know why I said that. Everyone in the car went silent. ''I mean, isn't she scared of him too?'' I didn't know what more I could say to cover what just slipped from my mouth. ''It's okay, Chloe. I will stay away from him because now we know you have a crush on him. Even tho you are scared of him.'' I let out  a sigh, ''can we just go now?''

The way to our houses was more quiet than usual. Is it because what I said?


The front door of my house was slightly ajar, there was people in my house, more people. I'm not this kind of person that likes to socialize, the girls say I'm awkward when I socialize. I could hear people talking from the kitchen, a manly kind of voice and my parent's voices. I made my way in tiptoes to the kitchen where they were sitting around the table.My mom and dad were infront of an old man with silver gray hair, freakles in all of his face, green and scary eyes, wearing a black suit. My mom seamed surprised I was here. Why? '''Oh, hey, Chloe, you arrived earlier.'' something is happening here. 

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