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My head was aching with so much force, I had to open my eyes. The first thing I do, is checking what time is it, 4:00 am.
The memories came back as fast as the wind that's entering in my room. I know he is such a jerk but I've never imagine him crossing the line like that. I thought he would just pick on me, make fun of every little thing I do but not hitting me this hard. My hands caressed the back of my scalp, the blood has dried but the feeling was too much for me to handle. I will pray and pray so I won't get any stitches in my head. My anger for Harry has reach the top of everything. I just want to know why he is like that with me, I mean I do said things to him but I never thought he would over react like this.

What am I going to say to my parents if they notice what Harry has done? Or what am I going to say to them if they notice the stitches? If I have to get any of them. Let's hope for the best.

After like one more hour, I fell asleep again.


My alarm went off, it's the second day at school; second day with Harry around me. If I was scared of him before he did anything to me, I guess I am scared the triple of him now. I reached for some clothes in my closet and get into the room. I haven't forget the scenes Harry did in my room last night, but it feels like someone is burning my head with pure acid when the water falling down from the shower, hits my head, directly in my opening.
It was twenty minutes after I got out of the shower when my phone started to buzz. *Can't get you today to school; sorry babe. xx* It was from Sabrina, well today I'm going to walk alone to the school, something I really hate because I just feel more lonely than ever. If Sabrina isn't showing up with her car, Nora will not come either. If the three of us don't go together, we make our separate ways.

"Don't tell anybody about this!" that moment just keeps relieving in my mind, and I feel the tears forming in my eyes but I just don't want to let them fall, let Harry know that he is making my life impossible. What would he do if I tell someone about what he did to me? probably beat me up again, harder.

Everyone was at the school now, everytime I come here just by walking, I always get late. That's another reason why I hate come here walking. Something good is that, today, my first class is Literature, the only class where Harry isn't with me. Thanks God.

While I walk to my locker, I feel like everyone is staring at my head but it's just me, nobody can notice the stain of dried blood in my scalp. A little piece of paper fell from the inside of my locker when I first opened it. I could notice who this was from just by the words and traces. Nora. ''Babe Sabrina is sick, she isn't coming to school and im leaving earlier today, if you're reading this, im probably right now at the counselor's office. I love you<3'' When I think my day is starting great. I think i'll just hang out in the library today. Sounds boring but it's actually a really great time I spend there.

My day is starting pretty bad. Why I didn't get sick today? Oh yeah, because I have to come here to spend eight hours being bullied by a jerk. A fucking sexy jerk. The thing is, when a boy is such an asshole like him, he loses all his beauty. So guess what? He has lost it. And i'm fucking scared of him.
I grabbed my books and the little note that Nora wrote for me and headed to my first class of the day, Literature. Thanks god. The room is basically alone, nobody is here and our teacher hasn't arrived. Since I came first, I can choose any seat, so I decide to choose one in the first row, in front of the board. Literature is one of my favorite topics, when I was little, my grandad used to read me short stories, this began when I was four years old, when the years passed, he read me novels, I loved the way his thick country accent would remark the words coming out off his mouth, I loved everything about him. He died when I was twelve years old, because of a heart attack. I remember that day, one of the most horrendous days in my entire life. The thing is, I love everything that has a relation with literature. And that is because of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2014 ⏰

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