Never Felt So Alive!

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   Anita had spent what felt like hours laying inside of her steel cold and dark shell of a room. Claustrophobia began to well inside of her and toyed with her sanity. Aside from the painful realization that she was pronounced dead.

She felt very much alive. Regardless if she could move her body or not. The men in the autopsy room were busy working on her husband and decribing all of the horrifying and indescribable lacerations that were visible on his body.

From what she was able to decipher from their work, her husband had lost several fingers, and his nostril hanging on by a thread of skin on his face. His right eye was missing, the other one had a huge scratch that went diagonally across it.

His head was twisted so far around that he nearly resembled an owl, cracked one of the doctors. It angered her to hear them talk so lightheartedly about her husband. It broke her heart to hear him mangled in this way. She tried to distract her thoughts by figuring out why she was in this predicament in the first place, and why her husband was dead.

She couldn't remember much of what led her to where she was now. All that she could recall was her going to the Italian bistro with her husband, and them driving away listening to classical music. What had happened?

She learned that she could wiggle her toes, and that although she could speak, the men in the room could not hear her. Which did not make any sense at all. She wasn't sure as to the reason she was immobile. Was it because she was in fact dead and that she was slowly experiencing rhigamortis? Is it because she was just simply in shock? Did whatever that happened to her knock a disc out of place from her spine and paralyze her? What was going on?!

The men had come to the conclusion that he was attacked and greatly mauled by some sort of wild animal. The other argued that maybe a person had done this instead. Either way, they were both highly intrigued by his death.

After what felt like days lying inside of her cold and dark tomb, she heard them roll his corpse back into the morgue.

She had finally accepted the fact that she was dead, but didn't agree at all with it.

"Just keep yourself together Anita," she thought.

There must be a rational explanation for this. SURELY they were mistaken about you actually being dead!

...Oh like HELL it is!

It wouldn't make any sense! I'm not a devout Christian, but I definitely believe in God! So am I..did I not cross?

Yes yes that MUST be it!

.."Looks like it's time to move on to Anita."

Anita stopped breathing.

Dear God, what did she look like? Was she torn and tangled and mangled as well?! Oh God!

...But wait, she could wiggle her toes! So yes, she was back to being just as confused as she originally was.

"Well, what do we know from her file?" asked Jason, "Please don't tell me she ended up the same way as the poor old bastard!"

Anita heard the papers being flipped through of her file. She once again wiggled her toes and noticed that she had the tag of death on her big toe.

"Good news! You're woman over here died in one....strange."

Anita listened closely.

"What?" inquired Jason.

"Well, she died all in one piece! No visible wounds or even signs of slight struggle!Hmm! Interesting."

"Looks like we'll definitely have to do an autopsy to see more than what meets the eye!"

Anita was frozen with terror. She didn't even think of the idea of them having to cut her open! But she was ALIVE! She could breathe! Wiggle her toes! Good Lord they were going to cut her open and she'd be ALIVE and helpless when they did it! She began to panic, fighting and begging her body to budge.

She heard the sound of a bolt being undone, and then felt the warmth of hands grazing the bottom of her feet.

She was so frozen with terror that she couldn't even move her mouth to speak anymore. She tried to move it but it was frozen in place.

Charlie and Jason began the procedure, and Anna was paralyzed by her own fear. She begged her body nonstop but nothing was doing the trick.

....That is, until she heard the saw.

The whizzing of it getting ever so closer to her body quickly switched her from fear to immediate anger.

Of ALL the things that could happen to her! This was not fair! Nothing was making sense, she was supposedly dead, and now she'd have to suffer the realization of her being cut open alive.

The terrifying sound of the saw was growing ever so closer. She went from pleading and begging her body to move, to screaming and cursing her body to do so. Her fingers began to itch and she began to feel all of the muscles in her body ache.

Charlie was right above her, and looked down into her open-eyed stare. He paused standing right above her, as if he sensed something, but was highly unaware of what. What in the world could a dead body possibly have going on still? He shook his head and slightly bent over her body to begin his work.

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