It's All In Your Head

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Charlie was only the length of an eyelash away from cutting into the flesh of the, 'infamous,' Mrs.Wellston. Mrs Wellston didn't look too bad. She had a fairly nice rack. It wasn't that he was into dead bodies, or crazy, he was only just a man...and human. Still, something just did not feel right about this procedure. He had done this a million times! So it wasn't like this wasn't natural to him. He turned off the saw, and placed it on the table. Jason was busy cleaning utensils and had figured that Charlie could handle this one on his own. "Everything okay man?" Jason inquired. "...Yeah just...gonna re-examine her." 

"Oh? Think you may have skipped doing something? I mean, she is only butt-ass naked on this examination table!" He snorted. "How about i turn her over and have you kiss her ass? Maybe you could examine that?" Jason laughed out loud. Charlie took off his goggles and stood over Anita. Anita didn't look bad at all, she was only in her early forties, but you would not have guessed it. She was blessed like Jennifer Lopez or Halle Berry. She was curvy, she only looked like she was escaping her twenties. She hadn't given birth to any children, and that surprised him. She was very fit, maybe a key reason why she hadn't given birth to any children. Maybe her husband didn't want any. He shrugged at the idea. 

There Mrs. Anita lay, nude, staring at him. Eyes still...Wait, weren't they closed when they had first begun to examine her? He frowned. "Yo, Jay." "Sup?" "Wasn't Anita's eyes closed?" "I don't remember. I assume that they'd be closed, yes. Why are you asking that?" Jason raised his eyebrows and examined Charlie like he hadn't taken a shower in weeks and smelled revolting. Charlie gulped and closed his eyes, debating on telling his buddy and colleague that he thought this woman may in fact be alive, or that something felt highly wrong about him doing this procedure.

 ** "Please don't kill me...Yes, my eyes are open because I am still alive! Please...PLEASE don't kill me!"*** 

Charlie jumped and knocked over the tray of work supplies to the floor. Tripping over his own two legs. The saw touched the floor and instantly roared to life. Crawling and rapidly inching it's way across the ceramic floor and gaining it's way to Jason's feet. Charlie jumped to grab the extending cord, but he was two seconds too late. Charlie ears were nearly deafened by the screams of his colleague. When he turned his head he saw Jason grabbing his ankle. Blood was running profusely through his fingers as he was clutching it, kneeling down on his other leg and trying to slow down or stop the bleeding. Charlie covered his mouth in shock. 

Jason was shrieking and cursing in agony. Charlie didn't think he had ever heard him curse this much, and he did not blame him. Blood began to make a nice puddle around where Jacob knelt. "Stop fucking staring and call the fucking ambulance you fucking dip fucking piece of fucking horse fudging shit!" Roared Jason. "We are in the hospital!" stammered Charlie. "Well fucking call the EMT down here before I fucking bleed to death!" Charlie had never heard Jason swear so much in his life. 

They'd been friends since about college and they had been in some deep mess, but never had he heard Jay freak out like this. This was definitely a side he wished he hadn't witnessed, but understood why he was witnessing it in the first place. Charlie felt for his cell phone on his legs. He felt on his scrubs. Nothing. He looked down at the floor and saw nothing. ...But he saw Anita's eyes turned towards Jason. He froze.

 "For Christ's sake Charlie! What in the hell are you waiting for?!" "Jason, she's staring at you man.." "What is?!" "She is, Jay." "Anita?! Are you high man?! Just get your fucking phone and call upstairs dude! PLEASE!" He pleaded. 

*"I hope he's okay...What kind of cologne is he wearing? It smells so familiar.."* 

Charlie shook his head to the strange woman's voice that he kept hearing in his head. The room was beginning to smell like a slaughterhouse. Blood just has a certain scent, and it was all over the air. At that moment he saw that his cell phone was hidden underneath some of the clean utensils. He bent down and reached for it. He dialed the number of the main office building. "St Mary's Medical center, my name is Claire, may I help you?" 

"My name is Charlie Clearwaters. We are located in the mortuary below the building. Jason Bourne, my colleague, is seriously injured after receiving a laceration near his foot from one of our supplies while working on an individual here. Please send someone down here immediately." "I'll send someone down as soon as possible!"

 "Please hurry, he is losing a lot of blood." She put him on hold. Jason was beginning to grow quiet. He turned around very slowly to look at Anita, and her eyes were on him...Her eyes were red. ...Blood red. Her mouth was open, tongue hanging out. At this sight, he saw her twitch her toes. He yelped in response. 

*"Why is he looking at me like that?"* 

Charlie looked from the left to right, barely letting his eyes leave Anita. "I've gone and lost it for real! My God! I'm thinking that a dead body is talking to me. A dead body!" Charlie thought, bewildered. 

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