Ch. 3 (Kellin)

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The next morning, I woke up and I started my journey home from Vic's house to my own. By journey I mean a short two block walk which I was making as long as possible to avoid going home so soon. I still only had my flannel so I was freezing my ass off. Damn you Michigan weather. After like ten minutes of wasting time playing in the snow I finally made it home, sadly. I dug through my pocket searching through my keys when I realized my stepdads car was missing from the driveway. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding and instantly relaxed. I threw myself on the couch and surfed through the channels.

"PIXIE!" I yelled for my small white and copper kitten who came frolicking from the stairs and onto my lap.

"I missed my little baby." I said in the most annoying, babying voice I could.

After maybe half an hour of mindlessly watching Law and Order I heard the door begin to unlock. I quickly turned off the tv and rushed upstairs to my room, the last thing I want is to hear my stepdad tell me how worthless I am. I'm trying to have a good day you know? I heard my phone go off, it was a text from my friend Tay asking if I could meet her in the mall. Tay, Vic and I used to be the "iconic trio" in school, or so we called it, until Vic had to be homeschooled. Don't get me wrong, we're still all super close but Tay was my only friend in school now.

I replied to Tay and changed into more winter appropriate clothing. Since my stepdad was home I had to sneak out through the window and I made my way to Vic's house. Might as well take him with me.

-time skip-

"Has anyone ever told you that you have banana eyebrows (@MoonlessNights- - THANK YOU FOR THIS OML )" I said while sipping my milkshake, causing Tay to burst out laughing, spitting her milkshake in the process. Vic mocked hurt and put his hand over his heart. "Kellin, how could you hurt me like this." He choked out and started laughing hysterically.

"Why am I even friends with you idiots?" Tay shook her head.

"You and Vic look related. Are you guys long lost cousins or something? -gasps- WHAT IF YOU GUYS ARE SIBLING?" I asked quickly. Vic reached over and took my milkshake. I was expecting him to take a sip and hand it back but instead....he threw it out.

"That's enough sugar for you." Vic muttered. We left that place and began walking around looking at other stores. We walked through the food court when I thought of the best joke ever. I ran towards Subway and pointed at the "sub" part.

"Hey look it's me!" I joked. Vic doubled over laughing while Tay have me the most confused look.
I patter her shoulder, "Oh hunny." (How I Met Your Mother anyone?)

"Hey you two should sleepover tonight." Tay offered. Vic nodded his head in agreement.

"I can't I have church tomorrow." I said sadly.

"I don't get why you go. You don't even believe in that crap." Vic spat. (No offense to people who believe in God.)

"I have to go if I don't wanna get beat by my stepdad." I said. Tay and Vic both gave me looks of pity.

"Hey look that's a nice store." I pointed at a random store in attempt to change the subject.

"Oh yeah those are great panties Kells." Tay said in between laughs. I was confused for a moment but then I looked over at the store I pointed out. It just so happened to be a Victoria's Secret. Well fuck my life.

"Might as well start calling you Kelly!" Vic exclaimed in a fit of laughter.

"Stop laughing at me." I pouted. I could feel myself turn a deep shade of red from embarrassment. Tay's phone went off and when she checked it her face dropped.

"I gotta get going. I'll see you at school Kells. Bye." She rushed out of the mall.

"I hope everything is okay." Vic sounded just as worried as I was.

"I should also get going too. I don't want my dad to noticed how long I've been gone." I didn't want to leave just yet but I also didn't want to face the consequences of sneaking out.

"I'm walking you home." Vic practically dragged me out of the mall. It was already dark out, jeez how long where we in there?

The walk was silent until we reached my house. Vic started walking to the front door when I dragged him to the side of the house.

"Kellin." Vic said disapprovingly as I attempted to jump through my window.

"I do this all the time." Just as I walked said that I fell out of the window and landed on my ass. Vic looked down at me and smirked.

"Yeah I can tell."

"Oh shut up and go before my father comes." I shut my window and turned around to see my stepdad in the door way. His face was calm but his eyes screamed rage.

"Who was that?" He yelled. I looked down at the floor and stayed silent which only made him even more mad. He walked over to me and lifted my chin keeping a solid grip on the bottom my chin and cheeks.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you boy! Now tell me who the hell you were prancing around town with." He demanded. The longer I stayed silent the tighter his grip got.

"I was with T-Tay and Vic." I stuttered. He let go of my chin and pushed me to the ground.

He crouched down to my level and spat, "I don't ever want you around that faggot again, you hear me?" He asked. I nodded my head violently, praying he would leave.

"To hell if I'm going to have a faggot son." He muttered and walked out, slamming my door.

I didn't even realize I had tears streaming down my face until I felt them hit the palm of my hand. I don't understand what I ever do to deserve this. I was always a good child, I still am for fucks sake. I heard a tapping on my window which scared my half to death. I walked over to see Vic throwing tiny pebbles at the glass. I threw on my sweater and jump out the window.

"I heard everything." Vic engulfed me in a hug while I cried my eyes out.

"I don't understand." I sniffled.

"Why can't he just love me like he used too." I whispered and buried my face into Vic's chest.

The bubbly feeling in my stomach was back. It felt so wrong...but right.

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