Ch. 11 (Kellin)

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Sooooo I'm sorry my schedule has been so off with break but I'm back to normal now. Expect an update every Tuesday, Sunday and possibly Thursday. This is so close to 400 reads I'm shook. Anyways love you guys, thanks for reading. Enjoy this chapter :). Also mild trigger warning.

It's been two days since we left. We are in the middle of South Dakota, I believe, trying to find a hotel. I leaned over and put my head on Tay.

"Entertain me human." I whined. She pushed me over causing me to whack my head on the window.

"Ow, bitch." I muttered while holding my head in pain.

"I'm trying to sleep fuckers." Mike yelled at me. I held my hands up in defense and muttered a sorry.

"Hey, if anyone is going to be yelling in this car it's me." Vic scolded us.

"I'm bored." I whined again.

"Hi bored, I'm Taylor. Nice to meet yah." Tay held her hand out and smirked. I growled, yes growled, and pushed her hand away.

"Listen to music." Vic suggested.

"My phone is dead." I replied.

"It's hot in hereee." I whined once again. I need attention and being annoying is the only way to get it.

"You're wearing a fucking sweater." Mike muttered. I shot him an evil glare.

"I'm not turning down the heat so you might as well take it off Kells." Vic said.

"Nah." Vic gave me a worried glance but I brushed it off, I don't need anyone worrying about me right now.


After a good hour of searching we finally found a suitable hotel. We went to the front desk to get our room keys when a little problem occurred.

"We only have two rooms available." the preppy front desk lady said. We all exchanged worried glances.

"Can you give us a moment?" I asked politely. She nodded understandingly and I pulled my friends off to the side.

"Sooo who's sharing with who?" Mike asked the question that was on all of our minds.

"I'll share with Kellin." Vic and Tay blurted out at the same time. I felt myself turn a deep shade of crimson.

"No, you share with Mike and I'll share with Kellin." They both said. Vic gave Tay a pleading look.

"Fine. I'll share with Mikey." She smirked. I rolled my eyes and went to go get our room keys and pay.
Vic and I parted from Tay and Mike and made our way to our rooms.

To say that our room was nice would be a complete understatement. The room was huge and gorgeous might I add.

"So whatcha wanna do roomie?" Vic asked.

"First off, don't call me room . Secondly, let's binge How I Met Your Mother?" He nodded and went to the kitchen area to get snacks, I'm assuming. I stared at the remote and clicked random buttons until I got to Netflix. Vic came back with a handful of snacks, drinks and a bowl of popcorn.

I was paying attention to Robin and Barney get into their first fight (Barney and Robin are from how I met your mother) when all of a sudden I felt a thump on the side of my head. I looked over at Vic who was pretending to pay attention to the show. I looked back at the television right when I felt another. I looked down to see little pieces of popcorn littering the floor. I looked back at Vic who was now smirking but still staring at the t.v. Two can play at this game. I reached behind me, grabbed a pillow and launched it at Vic.

"How do you like that, bitch." I sassed. He smirked and launched towards me, tickling me to death.

"Vic..stop." I said in between giggles. He finally stopped, not because I asked him to but for something else. I looked down at my sweater sleeves which were slightly rolled up just enough for a good portion of my wrists to be visible.

"Kellin." Vic said meekly. I began to panic.

"I need air." I blurted out and went outside to the balcony (scene lololol okay I'm sorry bye.) I pulled out a smoke from the pack in my pocket and lit it.

"Since when have you been doing this Kells." I heard Vic say from the doorway. I shrugged and let out the smoke I was holding in my mouth. Vic sat down next to me and stayed quiet for a while.

"It's like I don't even know who you are anymore." Vic murmured.

I flicked the ashes off my cigarette and threw what was left. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Jesus Kellin you're sitting out here smoking a cigarette. You're cutting yourself and for all I know you might be addicted to drugs or some shit. Now I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that everything is going to get better because that's not what you need to hear. We ran away so things can get better, and that's not gonna happen unless you allow it. Shape up, get your head in the game Kellin. Mike, Tay and I all love you to death so when you decide to do these things to yourself, think about what it does to the people around you." He scolded me. I hung my head low so he wouldn't see me cry.

"Oh no, shit Kells I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm sorry. Oh my god." He panicked, which caused me to chuckle, and hugged me. I nuzzled my face into his neck and silently sobbed.

"I just hate myself so much." I cried. I probably sound pathetic right now, who am I kidding of course I sound pathetic. He tightened his grip and slowly rubbed my neck with his thumb.

"I don't know what there is to hate." He mumbled.

"Everything." I replied.

"I don't hate anything about you. You're cute, funny, shy, creative. You're kind of a bitch but I can live with it." He kissed the top of my head.

"Promise me you'll stop this." I nodded.

"We have a long day ahead of us, let's get some sleep." Vic said and I followed him inside.

"We're gonna do a little circle session thingie tomorrow like we used to. If we're going to be stuck with each other for another week or so we might as well talk about our feelings." Vic said while getting himself situated on the bed. I was too tired to protest.

I laid down next to Vic and he wrapped his arms around me. The last thing I remember was him whispering "I still think you're beautiful, and I don't ever wanna lose my bestfriend" in my ear before I fell asleep.

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