Chapter Nine: a Liar doesn't have to tell

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I looked up and saw Lauren giving me a look. She had her keys in her hand and slid her phone back into her purse. MY purse.

"Is that my—

"Oh yeah.." she said smiling "I uh, borrowed it, did you lock yourself out again?!" she asked smiling. I stopped fumbling with the door and looked at her. She was smiling at me, I hated lying to her, we had been doing so well lately and everything was going great like old times. I didn't want to see that smile fade away, for her to be I lied.

"I freaking hate you, open the door it's getting cold." I said with my best fake smile, I felt awful.

"Klutzy ass" she joked as she pushed open the door.

"Whatever, I'm just happy you're home" I said walking inside, "what's that buzzing?" I looked at Lauren who was franticly trying to stop her phone. I started to say something but that's when my phone starting buzzing as well.

Dinah: Damn why you got so many tampons in ya purse? And your wallet is STACKED you're paying for lunch next time ;)

New Message: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! Stop going through my shit! And there won't be a next time, I love LAUREN!

Dinah: You keep saying that, but who are you trying to convince? Alright shawty, I'll bring it by tomorrow. G'night

I just stared at the screen for a minute. Was I really trying to convince myself that I was in love with Lauren? She was everything to me, I didn't feel like I need to convince anyone or even myself. I hurt her in the past but life happens and you forgive and forget. I sounded like an asshole, but I was trying to convince myself that Dinah was wrong.

"Manibear? Come I want to tell you about my day Lauren said with a huge smile on her face as she patted for me to sit next to her on the couch. I walked over to her feeling overwhelmingly guilty and listened as my girl told me about her day.

"Sooo, it was incredible..."

Lauren's POV

"So it was incredible! Professor Vives has a way of making learning come to life, I mean I love it regardless, but he makes it SOOO just so... ah man" I said spouting the most incredulous sack of bullshit I've ever heard in my life. I looked at Mani and she had the most beautiful smile on her face as she was listening to me lie to her face.

Lucy's kiss... I hadn't been able to stop thinking about it since it happened, I loved everything about her even though her lips felt like dry sandpaper... or maybe those were mine because I sometimes forget to use chapstick and Mani puts some in my bag every night and since I had borrowed her purse I forgot about it.

I just felt so horrible about feeling this way toward Lucy. Mani is and will always be my baby, and I needed to cut ties with Lucy, but I just didn't know how to. I mean Mani doesn't even know Lucy exists and then I just tell her that some "random" girl I've been spending all my time with kissed me and we watched a romantic movie with champagne?

I was in a bind.

"Babe, I had the best time, ah you should come next time!" I said wrapping up my "story"

No she sure as hell shouldn't, I thought to myself.

I felt my phone vibrate again, earlier she had called me and struggled to mute the phone, before Mani saw me, but when I looked up she looked like she was about to say something and I cursed in my head. Luckily she too got a phone call, and stepped away so that gave me a chance to tell Lucy I couldn't talk.

*End Lauren POV*

"Babe, it sounds like you had a great time. I would love to come with you next time". And maybe I won't cheat again I said to myself.

"Well its been a long night, we should head to bed" I said getting up and heading to our room.

"Yeah I'm sure playing games was hell" Lauren said chuckling.

"What?! I wasn't—

"Babe, chill" she said smirking but then it quickly faded. "Is there something I should know?" she asked concerned.

I looked her dead in the eye and told her no. I could feel my stomach drop and I looked back up at her and she had an unreadable look on her face.

"Okay, I love you I'm gonna go take a shower" and that was it.

A/N: Sorry for the wait. I know this is an incredibly short chapter, but I've been busy with school and work and finals are coming up and I have to be on my A-game. But I will be updating sooner.  

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