Chapter 2: Stirring the Pot

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It was our first Saturday in our new place and I know I must've been excited because I am not a morning person and I was up at nine o clock making breakfast. "Something smells delicious" Lauren said as she clutched her arms around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder. I was surprised she was acting so "lovey dovey" when last night she wasn't speaking to me after what she thought happened with Dinah.

Lauren was not the jealous type... well until our senior year of high school. I had a friend who was not her favorite person to begin with, but of course she wasn't going to stop me from being friends with someone just because she had issues with said person. Anyway I won't go into detail but things sort of got out of hand.

"So, I take it youre not mad anymore?" I said not taking my eyes off of the eggs I was cooking. She let go of me and walked over to the table, sat down and shrugged. I could tell she was still upset cause her silence spoke for her, "Babe, I—"Let's just forget it, I'm just being ridiculous, you don't even know that girl." I still wasn't convinced that she was one hundred percent, but I decided to drop it because a fight wasn't what I wanted. I made her and myself a plate of food and we sat down and for the first couple minutes we just sat in silence.

"Do we have any strawberry jam?" Lauren asked me "Yeah it's in the fridge, really you can't just eat my food without putting extra preservatives on it?" I said jokingly. "Toast isn't toast without jam" she said sticking her tongue out at me as she got up to go to the fridge. As soon as she got up my phone began to ring which startled us both because no one calls this early or rarely at all. "Where's my pho— I stopped and saw Lauren had answered it. "Hey, um no we're not busy, just having breakfast" she said. "Yeah that's fine, okay bye" she hung up the phone and continued searching for the jam. She got it and sat back down across from me and didn't say a word and began eating.

"Um so.." I said. "So what?..." she asked and then suddenly came to the realization of what I was talking about. "Oh that was Dinah she said she'll text you later, I think she wants us to show her around" she said flatly. "Laur, why exactly are you acting like this?" she looked me in the eye and then proceeded to say "I heard you talking to her, before I got out of the car you said 'I'm not this clumsy I'm just nervous' that's when I stepped in. Nervous why Mani? You had never seen her, or had you?" I was just staring at her in disbelief, I couldn't understand what she was getting at, I mean I could but why?

Lauren was so not the jealous type and she knew I loved her more than anything. "In case you didn't know you're a very flirtatious person" she continued "and I don't want this to be Camila 2.0!" she continued "Thanks for the breakfast, I'm going back to bed" she threw her fork on her plate and left me sitting there.

Before I could fully process what just happened I heard my phone buzz.

Dinah: Hey! I passed this festival on the way back from the store, the three of us should go check it out! Let me know.

At first I just stared at the message unsure of how to reply, 'Camila 2.0' was replaying over and over in my head. 'It's not cheating I wasn't aware of what was going on' I had once said to her. I was such an asshole to her back then and I swore to her I would never hurt her again. Did I find Dinah attractive, of course. But would I jeopardize my relationship with Lauren a second time? Not at all. I glanced at the message before me again.

A cute girl who happens to be our neighbor wants to go to a festival with my girlfriend and I? I'm not going to make the same mistake twice, Dinah is no Camila and all I'm doing is showing her around. Hell, I don't even know the girl. This was going to be a fun, innocent outing, no drama just my girlfriend and I and a new friend.

N: Yeah, that sounds fun. Lauren and I would love that. 

I reviewed the text message once more before hitting the send button. I sure hope I wasn't stirring the pot. 

Hey guys, sorry for the long wait for the update, I was out of town all last week. Anyway, thanks for the feedback on the last chapter I'm glad you all are liking it. Do you think Normani will cheat on Lauren? ;) stick around!

Twitter//: @laurmanisbae 

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