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I lost it all the passion the way my pulse raced when I saw you the love I felt questioned. I saw you more as a friend than a lover. I lost you as both a friend and lover. Now I'm alone and I question my decision my choices did I do the right thing? I'm not sure. I don't know what I'm looking for maybe I shouldn't be looking for anything. Let things fall in place 

I read what you say. About me about the relationship and how it ended. It hurts but now I see it was for the best. You say it's nothing but it's far from that. It's the truth at least  from your eyes.

We used to be so close best friends and lovers now neither remains I lost you as both.

It's sad to see where we stand now a strained friendship I think that's what is left.

I've tried to move on and I'm not sure where I stand.

I like being alone but sometimes it's lonely funny how that goes.

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