Chapter 5

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Ever since the other night, I haven't been able to sleep. I was normalised to the frequent nightmares...night-terrors even, but this was something worse. Way worse. Everywhere I looked was covered in blood. I couldn't get the images out of my head. This has never happened to me before, maybe it had to do with recovering a lost memory from my past. I would never know. All I could think about in this exact moment was to try and get as much rest as possible. Apparently, this task was near to impossible thanks to my fellow classmates and French teacher, Miss Morrell. I lied my head on top of the school's desk, hoping to get some resemblance of sleep, with my eyes closed I could still hear the class responding and repeating after Miss Morrell, "Ou allez-vous?" Where are you going?

"Je vais Chez moi." I am going home

I could hear the stiletto footfalls come closer towards where I now rest. Morrell had now stopped in front of me, I could only presume that her arms were crossed as she called out, "Mademoiselle? Mademoiselle Rivers?"

I began to stir awake. I opened my eyes, assuming to be met with a very angry teacher. But what I saw nearly made me scream out of fright. Blood was pouring out of her eyes, mouth, ears, nose and some blood even flowing from her scalp onto her forehead. I blinked a few times and just like before and the hallucination had worn off and I was indeed greeted by a very angry Miss Morrell.

"Es-tu fatiguee?" Are you tired?

The class laughed, I looked all around me as I sat up properly and apologised, "Sorry." Just as I spoke the bell rang indicating the end of class. Everyone around me packed up their belongings and putting them inside their bags, leaving the classroom so that it was empty excluding Morrell and myself.

Miss Morrell took the liberty to seat herself in the chair in front of me, "You're starting to concern me, Serena. Maybe we should chat in the guidance office sometime?" I shook my head vigorously in the hopes that she would take her statement back and not involve the school or my parents, she continued, "Tell you what, give me the French word for it that's the same in English, and you can avoid lunchtime detention."

I was lost. In this very moment, I couldn't think of a single word, "Um..."

"Impasse" Dead end. And that was it, Morrell just got up from her seat and left the classroom, leaving me slightly confused as to what she meant. I knew the translation, just not the entirety of the meaning behind her words.

After that, I carried all of my notes in my arms and walked out of the classroom. Headed to the benches outside for lunch, not caring about putting my stuff back into my locker. Lunch was boring as per usual, with me sitting all alone as I concentrated on doing my homework and eating my lunch at the same time. This task had in the past been proven difficult when not trying to destroy my outfit with food stains.

Trying to concentrate while I could barely keep my eyes open as my lids fluttered shut every few seconds. I was so afraid of the hallucinations, of my own mind, to allow myself to actually fully rest. I was too scared.

Before I realised it, I had dropped my pen and my head coming closer towards the table. Not so gently putting my head on top of my arms, using them as a sort of pillow that guarded me against the rough wooden table-top. Not caring who saw the weird new girl, I drifted off to sleep with the sun shining down upon me.

I was only supposed to rest for a few minutes at the max, but as soon as I woke up from my slumber, I noticed that the students of Beacon Hills High had all left the area. They all have headed back to class after hearing the bell that signified their return. A bell that I had not heard myself. This was not good at all. I quickly gathered all of my homework sheets and lunch that I had half-eaten. Rushing down the halls, trying not to drop anything, I knew that the teacher I had next was notorious for being, basically for better words, evil. As I was walking down the hall looking for the classroom I was supposed to be in when I saw these three boys kind of staring at each other menacingly. Before I knew, one of the boys hit his identical twin brother straight in the face, he did this over and over again until the other twin was lying on the ground bloody. I stepped a bit closer, mouth gaped open, slightly afraid to be in the middle of whatever the hell is going on. The aggressive brother held out a hand to the fallen, helping him rise to his feet once again. I sighed in relief, thinking that this was all over now, but no I was wrong. Severely wrong. The aggressive twin slammed his brother's face into the locker door, creating a loud bang that would surely notify the entire school. The boy on the ground now had blood coming out of his mouth, but he was smiling happily at his brother. This day couldn't get any weirder. Then the twin on the ground rolled over towards the third boy who was just as shocked and confused as I was, the other twin quickly leaving the site.

Blinded By Love •Stiles Stilinski•Where stories live. Discover now