Chapter 19

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"I'll help you."

"Derek, what are you doing?" I asked as Stiles bent down to help me up off of the floor.

"She's right," Jennifer said as she stepped closer towards the group, narrowly missing my hand with her heel, "I'm not going anywhere without you, Derek," Jennifer ordered.

Peter walked forward saying, "I'll do it. But I'd prefer to be out there with an advantage."

"An advantage like what? You mean like a weapon?" Stiles concurred as he was able to finally get me up onto my feet and hanging off his shoulder. I didn't know that being pushed and beat down would be so painful, but it is. Damn that girl is strong, but she does have the power of her sacrifices backing her up.

"Something better than a baseball bat."

I just realised that he was no longer carrying his weapon of choice, "What happened to your baseball bat?"

"It broke."

"It just broke?"

"I tried to be heroic. Let's just leave it at that," he moved us over towards the shelves as everyone scurried through them trying to find something remotely useful. Stiles let go of my hand, allowing me to lean on the bench that was beside me and picked up the defibrillator machine.

"Hey, wait. What about these?"

"Do you know how to use those?" I asked quizzically.

Derek turned his head towards Stiles and sternly shouted,"Put them down," which Stiles obeyed.

Looking over, I saw that Scott found a rather frighteningly large needle, "Epinephrine?"

"That's only gonna make them stronger."

"How strong?" Peter called out from beside Derek.

"No way you're jabbing that thing into yourself. Have you seen the size of that thing?" I protested.

"I don't care," and with that Peter walked over to where Scott stood and snatched the needle out of his hand and quickly plunged it into his chest.

With the needle still sticking out of his chest, both Scott and Peter exited the room to face the twins. He ripped out the needle without hesitation and superhero quoted, "All right boys, let's rumble."

Stiles opened the door and stood guard as Derek who was carrying Cora, Jennifer and myself scurried away from the fight while the twins were distracted. We ran around the corner and down the hallway, opening up the doors that lead to the ambulance bay, "It's still here," I called out in glee. Stiles opened the doors, while also getting in himself, as Derek gently placed Cora down onto the stretcher.

"Derek, over here," Jennifer called out after mysteriously disappearing once again. Derek followed her voice and when he found her, she was staring at something laying on the ground. I couldn't quite see what from my point of view so I hobbled quietly around the side of the ambulance and saw the bloody, dead ambulance driver. Out of nowhere, we heard a voice, a woman's voice calling out, "Julia." Kali rounded the corner, stepping one by one, swinging the keys in her hand. I quickly sped around the corner and tried to get into the ambulance. It was extremely difficult after the beating I took from Jennifer in the elevator. Stiles noticed and lent a hand down so that I was able to enter. I sat where he once sat as he very gently closed the two doors hoping that Kali wouldn't be able to hear. Now that I was inside the vehicle and starting to dry off from the heavy rain, my eyes turned back to their original icy blue colour.

Then we heard the distinct growling from Kali and then immediately saw both Jennifer and Derek rapidly running past being careful not to show our whereabouts. "Are they gone?" I asked timidly, holding onto the side of my ribs.

Blinded By Love •Stiles Stilinski•Where stories live. Discover now