Chapter 21

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We all left Lydia's house and hopped into Stiles' jeep once again, on our way back to the school. We had to make it seem like everything was normal. We walked into the building and went to our respected lockers. I didn't know what to grab, especially since I left my bag at home. I didn't exactly feel like going to classes anyways. I had too much on my mind. I caught up with Lydia and Stiles and as we went down the stairs Lydia began talking, "Aiden's not texting me back."

"Do you want to go and find him?" I questioned. That's when Stiles' phone started buzzing with an incoming message. He picked it up to read it and then when his eyes filled with dread and his hands started shaking I asked, "What?"

"Oh God"

"Stiles, what is it?"

"It's from Isaac. Jennifer, she has Allison's father. She took him. She's got all three now."

"There's still time right? She's had all three for a while, maybe she's waiting for a symbolic time." When I noticed that he wasn't even looking towards me and that his breathing had become shallow I asked concerned, "Stiles. Are you okay? What is it? What's wrong? Stiles," I repeated.

"I think I'm having a panic attack."

Having been through this before I ordered, "Lydia, go and find the nurse or a teacher. Stiles come with me," he then held onto my hand as I made my way through the crowd of school kids towards the empty boy's locker room. When we got into the room, he immediately dropped his bag and then fell to the floor struggling for breath. "Just try and think about something else, anything else."

"Like what?" He asked through struggling breaths.

"Uh, happy things. Good things. Uh, friends, family," I instantly knew that I messed that one up when he looked up at me as though that wasn't exactly going to help the situation, "Oh, I mean... not family."

"Oh, God," he was really panicking now.

"Okay, uh, just... Try and slow your breathing."

"I can't. I can't," he repeated.

I couldn't think of anything else to do so I held onto his face as I caressed abd hushed, "Shh, Stiles, look at me," and without thinking, I planted my lips onto his, holding my breath as we moved with an eagerness that I don't think that either one of us would think to have. Shortly after, I broke away from him, quite shocked as to what just happened and from his expression he probably felt the same. Well, at least he wasn't hyperventilating anymore.

"How'd you do that?"

"I learned some techniques from my therapist and one of them was to hold your breath when having a panic attack and when I kissed you, you held your breath."

"I did?"

Smiling at myself, "Yeah, you did."

With the inquisitive look on his face, I continued explaining, "You're not the only one with anxiety. If I was really smart, I would tell you to sign up for a few sessions with a guidance counsellor."

He looked up at me as though he just had a revelation, "Morrell."

I got up and this time, I helped Stiles up off of the floor. I grabbed his bag for him and then we left the locker room. We were headed in the direction of the counsellor's office when we bumped into Lydia once again who wasn't able to find the school nurse. "We need to look through Morrell's belongings to see if she knows anything about any information we might need."

"That's fine by me."

We walked into the office to see that another student was already waiting for Morrell's counselling. "Are you here for Ms. Morrell?" Stiles asked.

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