Chapter 15

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We had managed to call the police as the sun started to rise and students were piling in curiously as they were doing an investigation on the homicide. It just so happened that school was still ongoing and there wasn't a chance in hell that the school board would shut down for as long as the investigation went. Making the lives of the teenagers and the police a hectic one. "Excuse me. Hey! Back it up. I know what you're thinking. I know you've got all these ideas about patterns and people dying in threes..." the Sheriff yelled out to Stiles as he walked onto the crime scene while other teenagers were gathering.

"Dad, murdered, okay? Sacrificed, actually."

"I've got half the state, including the FBI, coming in on this. They're not getting away with killing one of our own," he said as he looked down upon his fallen partner and friend. Deputy Tara Graeme.

"Dad, they killed Tara. You know, how many times she helped me with my math homework when I had to wait at the station for you?"

"Just, uh, get to class, okay?" the Sheriff yelled out to the crowding teenagers, but it was mainly directed towards his son. Stiles stormed off, slightly mad at his dad for not taking him seriously, but mainly sad for the loss of a person who he held dear. I speculated that Tara was a mother figure to him, especially since his own mother died when he was young. Walking towards the distraught boy, I grabbed onto his bicep and lead him away to English class.

Walking into the classroom with my bag hanging off one shoulder, I sat down in the nearest free seat beside Lydia with Stiles in front of her and Scott by Stiles' side. Soon enough Ms. Blake walked into the class shortly behind the kid who was always late and started the lesson with yet another one of her lectures, "Idioms, analogies, metaphors, and similes, all tools the writer uses to tell their story." She slowed down right to where Lydia was seated, looked over towards Lydia's booklet and saw the image of a drawn tree, she stopped her speech and complimented, "Lydia, I wasn't aware you had so many hidden talents."

"You and every guy I've ever dated."

"Oh, um, well, that was an idiom, by the way," Ms. Blake continued a little flustered, "Idioms are something of a secret to the people who know the language or the culture. They're phrases that only make sense if you know keywords. Saying "jump the gun" is meaningful only if you know about the starting gun in a race or a phrase like "seeing the whole board."

"Like chess," Stiles spoke up.

"That's right, Stiles. Do you play?"

"Uh, no. My father does."

"Now, when does an idiom become a cliche?" This is the point where I zoned out and daydreamed the rest of the lesson. I know I was behind in schooling but I just can't handle all this droning on about idioms. But then I heard some interesting conversation coming from Stiles and Scott, "I think I can get to Ethan. I'm pretty sure I can make him talk."

"What do you want to do that for?" I asked as I leaned forth. Why would someone try to do something so stupid like that.

"The druids are emissaries, right? So what if the Darach was an emissary to the alphas?"

Stiles interjected, "Okay, first of all, I cannot believe that we've gotten to the point where a sentence like "what if the Darach was an emissary to the alphas?" Actually, makes sense to me. Second of all, we're gonna have a huge problem getting to Ethan."

"What's that?"

"Going through Aiden," I sighed as I pointed towards the man of the topic, "ever since he's been back at school, they're always together. How are we gonna separate them again?"

"That's why I'm here. I'm the one with a plan," Stiles interjected.

"Your plans always get me arrested, or bitten," Scott counteracted.

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