Chapter 16

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I was seated in the hospital's waiting chair as Stiles paced in front of me. "She's going to be okay Stiles, just have faith," I tried to calm him down. It didn't seem to work because he was still pacing around the area, "It's my dad, he won't believe me and there's nothing I can do about that." As he said that, his phone started to ring with Allison's number popping up on the screen. He sat down beside me as he put his phone between the two of us. Both of our heads touching each other as we listened in, "We were wrong. It's not guardians as in law enforcement," I could hear through the other line. Scott then took the phone from Allison, "It's philosophers as in teachers. Allison and her father just found Mr. Westover."

Stiles looked towards me as he said, "That makes sense. Tara, she wasn't always a cop. She used to teach middle school."

"Then the last one's gonna be another teacher," Scott concluded.

"Yeah, but there are dozens of them, Scott, and they're all headed home."

"No. No, they're not. They're all going to the recital."

"The recital's on tonight? My parents are going and I need to be there right now. I promised them that I would be there to help them out. Stiles is busy here at the hospital with Cora and his dad, any chance you could take me?" I asked Scott, taking the phone away from Stiles.

"Yeah I can do that, I just need to get out of this warehouse and I will be on my way to the hospital. Just wait out the front for me."

I hung up the phone and looked over at Stiles, "Is it alright if I leave you here by yourself?"

"I will be fine, you go off and look after your parents. We all know they need you," just as he said that his own dad passed him so he quickly stood up and chased after him.

I got up from the uncomfortable chair and walked over to the front entrance. I didn't have to wait for too long because shortly Scott's dirt bike arrived. I quickly jogged over to the bike, arms wrapped around my body because of the cold air. Scott noticed this so he hopped off of his bike to hand me the jacket that he was currently wearing, I wrapped it against my bare shoulders and then placed on the spare helmet Scott handed me. I got onto the bike after him, wrapping my arms around his waist for safety. We soon sped down the roads and made it to the school just in time to see all of the parents and students arrive for the recital. We walked down the corridor until we made it to the recital hall. We went through the open doors and saw that almost everyone was seated. Observing the room, I initially found Patricia and Charles seated near to back and both Scott and I spotted Ethan standing near the stage talking to Danny and if you peered off to the side you could see Aiden watching Ethan. Lydia soon walked into the room and walked over towards the two of us.

Scott turned around and asked Lydia, "I thought you were going home."

"I can't."

"Is this another one of your psychic predictions?" I questioned.

"I don't know why I am the one that keeps finding the bodies, but maybe if I just stopped trying to fight it, I'd find them before it happens, maybe with enough time for someone like you two to do something about it." I have no idea as to why she included me in the rescue team, but I will take it. We watched as the band started to prepare themselves with the conductor walking up onto the stage. I could hear the distinct sounds of Lydia's phone buzzing as she received a message. She opened her phone, read the message to herself and then turned the phone to face me. It was from Aiden and it read, "Need to see you right now." Lydia and I both looked up to where Aiden and Ethan were seated and he gave a small nod towards Lydia before turning back and sending another text, "Life or death!"

"It better be," she then turned around and out the same door that Allison, Isaac and her Dad, Mr. Argent entered through and left down the corridor probably meeting at their secret make-out place. While we were waiting for something terrible to happen, the music began to gain in intensity. It seemed as though the musicians were so focused on the music that they were almost possessed. The crowd around me noticed this as well. One of the people who were still in the crowd was Aiden. I checked the time on my phone and realised that she had left a while ago to meet up with him, but he hasn't even got up out of his seat. Soon Stiles entered the room, squeezing past a few people to make it next to Scott and I. I took this time to nudge Scott in the ribs with my elbow gaining his attention, "Lydia went to go and meet with Aiden quite a while ago and he's still here and she's been gone this whole time. I'm scared something's happened to her."

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