Chapter 18

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Looking up to where Peter once stood were the alpha twins, Ethan and Aiden in their Voltron form. They flashed their fangs as lighting hit in the background, roaring along with the sound of the thunder. I slowly started backing up, walking closer and closer towards the group, towards where Stiles was. Hoping that his bat could be of some sort of protection.

Derek and Scott shifted into their werewolf forms and Derek bounded after the twins, claws out ready to slash and maim. He tackled the twins using his shoulder against their stomach which only pushed them back a tiny bit before they brought down their elbow onto Derek's back forcing him to release them. Derek bounced up and punched them directly in the stomach causing them to stumble but not before they held the back of his neck and repeatedly elbowed him in the neck and then eventually throwing him into the nearest wall.

Scott noticed that this was a fight that Derek could not win on his own so he ran as fast as he could towards the two. He leaped up and bounced off of the opposite wall and went to slash at them with his claws, but they ducked just in time to avoid the blow. Scott did the same as they swung their claws towards his face and body.

I saw that Cora was lying still on the ground behind the twins, face turned away from us. Stiles acknowledged this as well and bent down to Peter's level asking, "Help me," with that Peter stood up and the two of them ran towards her, bat still in Stiles' hand. Scott was pressed up against a door with the twin's hand around his throat as the two other boys slipped past them and reached Cora, all while I stayed behind with Jennifer.

"Ethan! Aiden! Stop!" Scott strangled out in between breaths.

"All we want is her," they said referring to Jennifer, who, as I looked around, was backing away from the group. That was so not going to happen on my watch. I followed after her knowing that the boys were too caught up in their fighting to realise and do anything about it. She entered the elevator and I caught up with her rather quickly since she was wearing high heeled boots. It was only then that the boys realised that she was gone and I was there along with her, I could hear Stiles scream out "No! Serena. Don't!"

But it was too late, I was inside the elevator and the doors were closing and I was trapped inside it with her. "Why would you follow me? You know what I've done to your mother."

"And that's why I refuse to let you waltz off leaving my Mum in danger," I angrily stated as the elevator's doors opened, both of us stepping out cautious of each other. Our rivalry vanished as soon as we both heard the distinct sounds of a white cane bouncing against the tiled floors of the hospital. Deucalion and Kali walked slowly towards us. Stopping suddenly, Kali whispered into Deucalion's ear, not once breaking eye contact with me, as he lifted his cane from the ground.

"Oh I see," he laughed ironically, "Serena, dearest, I hear you've gone through a major breakthrough. You would be welcome to come and join us. Leave her behind," he raised his hand towards where Jennifer stood.

For a moment I had forgotten about the change in my eyes, "Uh, no thanks. She has my Mum and I need Jennifer to let her go, besides I don't think I fit well with your pack. I'm not exactly a werewolf nor an alpha and you're a tad picky when it comes to your alphas."

"Well then," he said as he removed the tip from his cane, revealing a sharp spike, "I'm just warning you." Now I was thinking he was going to threaten me with some cliche speech that we've all heard a thousand times before in bad action movies, "duck." That was a surprise, but I did exactly as he instructed because in a flash he used his alpha strength and threw the cane right next to where Jennifer's head was, the spike sticking into the wall, bouncing from the sudden impact. Kali started to run increasingly fast towards us. Jennifer ran back into the elevator pulling me along by my arm, quickly pressing the number 2 and backing both of us onto the very back wall. Thinking that we were safe from harm, I visibly relaxed. All until Kali managed to reach us just in time and force the elevator doors open with her alpha strength. I tried to move further back, even though that was impossible, away from the immediate danger which was funnily enough not Jennifer. Speaking of, Jennifer, Kali and I noticed that her eyes had changed colour with white orbs glowing in the iris. Jennifer raised both of her arms and a gust of power surged towards Kali and pushed her away from the doors, allowing them to close.

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