{ #9 } You Prank Him (Niall)

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You prank him (Niall)

It was April fools day and you were planning to pull a prank on Niall. You were gonna trick him by making him eat treats that are not so nice. He was on the studio today because they were planning on their next song, he wasn't gonna come home until 6 pm so it gave you a chance.

Your P.O.V.

I finished shopping for the things I needed for my prank and I already set up the cameras everywhere in the house so all I need to do is to make the nasty treats for my little leprechaun. My best friend Selena to came help me with my prank "Hey Y/N are we gonna start making the treats now?" she asked impatiently "Yep" I said "So what kind of treats are we gonna make?" she asked that made me smile "Today were gonna make Carameled Onions, chocolate covered garlic and Oreo with toothpaste cream" I said that made her smile.

"Ooohh thats nice" Selena said "Lets get going!!!" so we started to make the yucky treats.

~1 Hour Later~

"Y/N here's the last of the Carameled Onions!!!" Selena shouted which made my ears hurt "Selena no need to shout I'm right over here" I said and playfully hit her "Yeah yeah whatever, just get this cause the caramel is dripping" I grabbed the onion from her and put it on a plate where the other Carameled onions are and I put them on the fridge.

"How are the chocolate covered garlic and Oreos with toothpaste cream going?" I asked "Fine but could you help me with one of these? I can't handle the both of them you know" Selena said while scraping the vanilla cream off of the Oreo "Can I do that cause you know what garlic makes me feel" I said then she stopped scraping and she looked at me with an are-you-kidding-me look.

"Y/N it was your plan to include these chocolate covered garlic and you won't even touch it? How rediculous is that?" she said "I'm not doing that" I gave her my puppy dog eyes technique and after a minute "Oh okay I give up! Here do this and I'll do those goddamn things" she said that made me smile "Thank you" I said. So we started to make the Oreos and garlic.


"What time is it?" I asked Selena, she looked at our wall clock and said "It's 5:20" I smiled "Perfect! Since the treats are done and also the cleaning let's just leave them on the fridge and lets watch tv, it's almost time for Niall to come home" I said. So we watched tv and waited for my little Nialler to come home.

---40 Minutes Later---

Me and Selena were still watching tv until, "Y/N! Babe I'm home and we have guests!" it was Niall. I gave Selena an evil smile which she returned back "Oh hello baby" I stood up from my seat and gave him a hug and a peck on the lips. "Y/N I brought the lads, Justin, Ed, Taylor, Ariana and Cher cause they said that they wanna hang out with us" he said.

This is gonna be great! "Good thing I made some snacks for all of us, let me just get them. Selena could you help me bring them" she nodded and we both went to the kitchen "This is a great timing Selena, even your boyfriend Justin is here" I said while grabbing the snacks from the fridge "Yeah, I'm glad he's here cause I'm finally gonna have my revenge on him cause last week he let me eat a very spicy taco he made" she said.

"Well lets give these puppies up a notch and let's just enjoy the show" so we grabbed the 'tasty treats' and went back to the living room where all of them were watching some lame sports and the girls looked like they're dying of boredom. "Guys who wants some Caramelized Apples, chocolate covered nuts AND Oreos!?" I shouted, when I shouted the Oreo part Cher, Ariana and Harry's head snapped at my direction and they were looking at me like they were lions who found a piece of meat in the middle of the road "Oh snap" I whispered to myself then before I knew it the three of them were actually running to my direction.

I immediately put the plate down on our mini table then I ran towards Zayn and jumped to him "Zayn help me, they're Oreo cannibals!!!" I said and hugged him "Oh don't worry Y/N, I'll protect you from such horrible predators" he said and hugged me back "Hey were over here you know!" the three Oreo addicts chorused "Oi let go of my girlfriend Malik!!! She's mine and no one else own her but me!!!" Niall said and he was gonna separate me from Zayn but I held on him tighter.

"Nope, I won't go back to you because you didn't even try to help me from those meanies over there" I said and pointed to the tree of them, they just rolled their eyes and began grabbing as many Oreos as they can like their lives depended on it "Hey that's not fair Harry! You grabbed twice as much than mine and Cher" Ariana said "Life is not fair Ari, especially these tasty cookies" Harry said. "I've got an idea, how about all of us have a competition on who can eat as much of these snacks? Winner gets free stuff losers buys anything the winner wants. Deal?" Selena asked "Deal!" everybody chorused except me and Selena cause were not eating these damned things.

So everybody got to which food they want and Louis noticed that the two of us are not eating "How come the two of you are not in?" he asked "Nah were full, we ate some while waiting for Niall" I said "Suite yourselves" "Ready. Steady. GO!!!" they started to eat the nasty snacks. They ate it too fast for a while but then...

"AHH!!! What the Fuck!" Taylor, Justin, Zayn and Niall suddenly shouted and the funniest part is that the three boys shouted like girls "Hell No!!! Aghh shit these are definitely not apples. Excuse me for a moment" Ed ran towards our bathroom and we could hear him shouting in disgust while barfing "AAHHH MY TONGUE! MY PRECIOUS TONGUE!!!" Louis said while running towards the sink to rinse off the taste in his mouth. "Ahhhh!!! Eww, eww get the taste off. Gross, eww my tongue is dying!" Ariana and Cher dramatically shouted.

Ariana, Cher, Harry ate some 'Oreos'. Zayn, Taylor, Justin and Niall ate the chocolate dipped garlic. Liam, Ed, Louis ate the Caramelized Onions. And I think the funniest reaction is from the four people who ate the garlic. Me and Selena were trying not to laugh our asses out but it was so freaking hard, after them recovering from the gross food they just ate, they were all staring at us all of their expressions...Annoyed "Y/N. SELENA!!!" they all chorused.

"What?" Selena asked "What did you do?" Liam asked and being Daddy direction he is well were just gonna suffer for some scolding. "We didn't do anything" I said in the most honest tone "Y/N" Niall really is my weak spot "Alright, alright. Me and Selena made some yuck yuck treats, we were supposed to be giving it to Niall but then all of you were here and Selena wants revenge on Justin so we just included all of you" I said "Really? Why would you two do that?" Taylor asked "BECAUSE it's April Fools Day!!" Selena shouted.

"Damn! I forgot to prank Selena about that!" Justin said "Well you are too late brother cause I got you first. BAM!! Ya better believe it! Uh huh that's right, shake it. I'm the queen of revenge!" Selena said in a very sassy tone and she was doing a happy dance "Hey, no one here can have more sass than I have" Louis said proudly. "Were sorry about that" I said in my most innocent tone and they just sighed " Yeah it cool Y/N, just please don't do it with food next time" Niall said "Ok".

"You know, the Oreos with toothpaste cream isn't that bad" Harry said "Harry! That's gross!" Ed said. "Now, who wants to watch the full video?" I asked then their eyes went wide "Oops" "Y/N!!!" they all shouted. Niall went to my side and carried me bridal style "Let me down Niall" I said while trying to escape "Nope, you need to be punished. Guys get Selena too and lets give them a splashy surprise in our pool" Niall said so Justin carried Selena bridal style too and we all went to the backyard to our pool "Let's throw them in guys on three. 1...2...3!!!" so he threw me and Selena in the pool.

Those cheeky bastards didn't know that after our prank day, we posted the video on YouTube and it got 1,000,000 hits! They found out eventually and they took a photo of us with really bad make up and drawings on our face while sleeping and they posted it on Facebook. Well all I know is, it was the beginning of an endless Prank War!!! With the man that I love so much of course :p

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