{ #16 } You Prank Him (Liam)

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Your P.O.V.

It was a really, really and I literally mean really hot summer day and it feels like I'm gonna melt! So me and Liam thought that we should have a pool party with the boys and their girlfriends. And now were trying to think about what were gonna serve the guests later "But Li, why would you wanna serve something hot to eat? Its so freaking hot and they might die because of heat stroke" I groaned "So? We could balance them with cold foods too, hot 'n cold as what Katy Perry said" he joked, I rolled my eyes.

"Fine! But its your fault if something happens to them. By the way, we should totally serve ice cream, but what flavor?" "How about we just buy several tubs of ice cream with different flavors so that we'll not have a silly argument?" Liam said "Okay, you buy the needed ingredients while I prepare the stuff here, okay babe?" I said with a smirk "What! Why am I responible with that Y/N? Give me a good reason" he asked crossing his arms "Because, if you don't do what I saw from now on, I'm gonna lock you up in a room with several spoons inside for an hour. You don't want that to happen right babe?" you asked.

His expression looks so priceless "I'll do it! Just dont lock me up in a room for 1 hour with those evil things" he begged "Don't worry Lili, I will only do it if it needs to be done" I said while smiling. He rolled his eyes and went out to the door "I'm going now, dont even try and do some funny buisness when I'm gone Y/N, behave okay?" Liam said "Yes father, I will be good" I teased, then he took off to the store.

-After Sometime-

The boys and their girlfriends are finally here, the food and beverages are ready and now it's time for us to relax and forget about the hotness of the weather that might kill us one day. And right now the boys are playing in the pool while me, Eleanor and Perrie are just on the chairs the both of them having a tan while I was just reading a book "Girls come in the water it's so cool!!!" Louis said while splashing around like a cute duckling "Nope I'm fine" Perrie said "Me too" El said "Same here" I said and continued reading.

"You girls might get fried like an egg if you'll have a tan at this temperature, plus you might have a stroke because of it" Niall said "Were trying to relax! Now shut up before I do something to you guys that you will all regret if I can't focus on reading this book!" I said a bit pissed, the weather really gets on your head doesn't it? I was so comfy that I didn't even realize that I dozed off to a dreamless sleep.

Liam's P.O.V.

"Man it's so useless to call this a pool party when us lads are the only ones who are having fun and the girls are just having a tan and not even planning to go on the water" Louis said "Yeah it's no fair man, I think they're trying to be the party poopers" Zayn groaned "Shut up Zayn or else I'm gonna confiscate your hair supplies and I'll not return them for one week!" Perrie shouted from the back "Yeah and don't call us party poopers were just having our time! You better shut up too Tomlinson or else I'm gonna burn Kevin and your carrots!" El shouted.

"I'm sorry honey! Keep going with your tanning!" Lou said while smiling at Eleanor "Girls are a pain in the neck, and their still girlfriends now, who knows how it would be when we get married to them" he said that made us shiver at the thought. "Wait! If they wont go in the water, maybe we can make them" Niall said and we looked at him like he was mental or something "Niall are you deaf or something? They said that they don't want to be disturbed. Who knows what they could do? I mean Y/N already threatened me a while ago that she'll lock me up in a room full of spoons for 1 hour" I said.

"Wow, I never thought that being single would be ever so great right now. Aren't we lucky Hazz?" "You said it, having a girlfriend who has power over your greatest fears is scary as hell" Harry said, I just rolled my eyes "So what were you talking about a while ago Nialler?" Zayn asked "Oh yeah about that, we should totally throw them in the pool" he whispered to us "That's a pretty nice idea but one problem..." Harry said "And what is that?" I asked "How could we do it if they're awake, they might kill us if they know" Louis said "We'll just do it quickly" Niall said proudly.

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