{ #18 } He Makes Dinner For You (Zayn)

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You were coming up with a very bad cold and you have to stay in bed while your boyfriend Zayn takes care of your needs. It was getting late and you were feeling a bit hungry so you decided to call Zayn "Babe! Come in here please, I need to talk to you!" then moments later, Zayn came in your shared room "Do you need something love?" he asked "I'm hungry" you groaned "Okay, I'll make dinner for us" he said that made you a bit nervous "Um, I don't think that it's necessary, we could just order you know" you said. "No, I want to make you something delicious yet healthy not like those fast food junkies. I mean, your sick I wouldn't want you to get more ill because of go those" Zayn said, you just stayed silent "Y/N, you don't trust me on cooking do you?" he asked "Its not that I don't trust you, it's just that I'm scared that the kitchen might be on fire when you use it" you said nervously.

"Don't worry Y/N, I will not burn the house down. I'm a good cook after all but you just didn't know since I never cook for you before" you were still unsure about it "Okay I trust you" you whispered but enough for him to hear "Great! I'm gonna make you the most special dish I will ever cook, I'm gonna cook it like a professional! You just stay here and relax and I'll be back later!" he dashed out of the room "That's what I'm afraid of" you decided to call Zayn's sister Doniya and a few rings later, she finally picked up. "Hello?" her voice sounds tiered "Hey Doniya it's me Y/N, sorry if I'm disturbing you if your doing something" you said "Oh it's okay Y/N, so why'd you call? Is there something wrong with you or my annoying brother?" she asked "Um yeah I gotta ask you something about Zayn. Does he really cook?" you asked nervously. There was silence on the other line "Doniya? Doniya are you still there? Hello?" "Y/N whatever you do never, ever and I say never let Zayn take charge when it comes to the kitchen!!! The last time he cooked for us, we had to call the fire department because of him cooking!" she said alarmingly.

"Why'd you ask anyway? Don't tell me that he's cooking you food for tonight" she said "Um, er...the funny thing is that," "Y/N don't tell me that he is" you chuckled nervously "The thing is yes he is cooking us dinner tonight" you said. You heard her let out a sigh from the other line "I better call the fire department and send them to your home just to make sure okay, now I gotta go so I could call them. Bye" before you could say anything else, she ended the call. "What the heck did I do to agree for this?" you asked yourself. So you just sat on your bed worried that Zayn might burn the house down also you kept your phone beside you for the whole time just in case, you cant be too careful you know.

-After Sometime-

2 hours has passed and there is still no sign of Zayn or your food which made you more worried than before so you decided to come downstairs to check if everything is still okay. When you were downstairs you were so scared to see what happened to the kitchen "I hope he's okay in there" you said to yourself. Suddenly you smelled smoke coming out of the kitchen, so because you were so worried you forgot about the fact that you were sick and ran to the kitchen as fast as your feet could drag you. "ZAYN!!! WHY DO I SMELL SMOKE COMING FROM HERE????!!!!" you asked in complete panic, "Y/N? What are you doing here downstairs? I thought I told you to stay upstairs in bed" he said and crossed his arms "I came here because I was worried, and again I repeat my question...WHY DO I SMELL SMOKE???!!!!" you asked "Whoa Y/N babe relax, your sick and don't make it worse by being angry. The smoke came from the oven, I kinda over-cooked the pie I made and it smoked a bit but it's fine" Zayn said while showing the pie to you.

You sighed in relief and looked at him "So everything is okay? Nothing got burned?" you asked reassuringly "Yes Y/N everything is fine, now just sit down because dinner's almost ready. I just need to finish the lasagna then we can eat" he said, you just nodded and took a seat at one of the chairs of your little island. There was silence and it was making things awkward, but Zayn broke the awkward atmosphere "So why'd you thought that I have the possibility to burn the house?" he asked "Um, it's because you never cooked for me and I was very unsure about leaving you to be in charge in the kitchen. I never thought you knew how to cook I guess" you said.

"Y/N I never had the chance to cook for you because you don't want me to cook for you and also, have you been talking to Doniya again?" he asked while chuckling a bit at the end "Yes" you said "So what did she tell you about me this time?" Zayn asked while putting the finished lasagna on a plate and served it up for you "Well, she told me about a little incident that happened to you when you were still little" "And what would that little incident be?" he asked and sat down across you "Its about you trying to cook something and it lead to your sister calling the fire department for help" you said. He looked at you with a confused look "Y/N, that accident happened years ago when I was still 12 years old. I was trying to cook cupcakes for my parents since it was their anniversary but I accidentally turn the heat on the oven on the wrong temperature then bam! It happened" he said that made you giggle a bit.

"You really are a great cook? What happened before was just a normal accident?" you asked and he nodded "Yep, it was just an accident but if you really wanna know if I'm a great cook, check it out by yourself" he motioned you to taste the lasagna he made. You took a deep breath and took a taste of the lasagna and you know what? It was AMAZAYN!!! "Wow Zayn, this is delicious! Where did you learn how to cook?" you asked "From my mom" "Come on let's eat this delicious food, compliments to the chef by the way" you said "Why thank you my fair lady" he said. So you both enjoyed the dinner he made that it completely made you forgot about your cold but the next day, you got a sore throat because of screaming at Zayn because of the big misunderstanding. But at least he's going to cook again for you.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2014 ⏰

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