Chapter 8: Hustle Hard

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[Nina's Notes: I apologize for being so late on an update of this book. My life was in shambles these past months and my mental health has been in bad condition. I've had so much creative energy these past few days, though and I'm definitely ready to start working on this book again. I love the plans I have for it. I hope you all enjoy!]

[Recap From Chapter 7:


Marcus and I came home from school this day and heard our mama on the phone with somebody. She was in her bedroom. I put my finger up to my lips, telling Marcus to keep quiet.

We walked towards her bedroom and stood in the hall, listening.

"I promise I'm gonna be caught up by the beginning of December. I know I'm back on pay. I'm trying to catch up on it little by little."

At that point, I knew she was on the phone with the bill collectors.

"Right. I've been working a lot more, that's why I can't answer my phone as much. I promise by the beginning of December, things should be better. Just please give me two more weeks. Please. I have two kids and a newborn baby. I can't have them on the street."

I looked at Marcus. The look on his face matched mine. We were torn. That shit hurt to hear.

"A shelter? I can't take a newborn baby to a shelter! Ain't no telling what kind of people or germs are there!" by this time you could hear the pain in my mom's voice. "Look, please just give me two more weeks to make it work. Please."

Damn. They're trying to foreclose the house. They tryna put us out. It's obvious they just told her to take us to a shelter. Fuck.

When she finally got off the phone, she was in tears. She threw her phone on her bed.

"Shit!" she screamed as she put her face in her hands.

I nodded towards Marcus as we walked into her bedroom.

"Yo' mama, what's wrong?" I asked.

"What happened?" Marcus asked.

She quickly tried wiping her eyes and sniffled through her nose. She shook her head from left to right before grabbing both of us and pulling us close to her.

"Nothing, baby. Nothing happened. Look, I'm about to leave and go to work a little bit earlier than usual today, alright? Y'all just take care of Tiara until I get home, okay?"

My heart was breaking because I knew she was going to work earlier to try to pull more hours. Even though she usually leaves in the afternoon, she never leaves as soon as we get home from school. She's usually getting ready, but never walking out the door until about 4:30 pm.

"You know we got T, mama. But what's goin' on with you?" I asked.

"Nothing, baby. Everything's okay. I'm about to leave, okay?"

I sighed in frustration. She wasn't budging. I had to let it go because she wouldn't bring it up.

She grabbed her purse and cell phone before leaving her bedroom. We heard the front door close and we knew she was gone. Marcus was in a state of speechlessness. My heart was aching. My mama is stressing too much. This shit is getting out of hand. Now they ready to put our asses in a shelter. We barely got enough money for food. This shit was making me angry.

I looked at Marcus.

"I'm gettin' tired of this shit, bro," I said with irritation in my voice.

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