Chapter 2: Compton Crusade

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I heard the gun go off! I knew the bullets had popped

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I heard the gun go off! I knew the bullets had popped. Immediately, my eyes closed, preparing for the worst.

But just as quick as the bullets sounded off through the house, I realized that I ain't get hit.

I opened my eyes, taking a quick glance at my chest, realizing that I ain't have no holes in me. Confusion set in next. What the hell happened?

I looked up and was shocked to see my pops' homeboy grabbing his hand that was prepared to shoot me. He purposely pulled his hand out of aim towards me!

My eyes followed the direction the gun was now facing and I saw three bullet holes sitting directly in the wall. I felt my adrenaline flushing from my body as my heart fought to calm down.

"My baby!!" I heard my mama cry out as she rushed over and threw her arms around my neck. "Oh my God! Thank you, Jesus!"

I just remembered her calling on Jesus right before that gun went off too. Damn, miracles do exist.

"Ro, get the fuck up! It's time to go!" my pop's homeboy said.

I watched with contempt in my eyes and hate in my heart for my own blood. Fuck 'em. It brought me comfort watching his cracked open jaw bleed out onto the floor.

I glanced over at his homeboy and caught his attention. He looked at me before delivering a quick wink of the eye and nod of the head before dragging my weak ass dad out of the house.

"Are you okay?!" My mom asked, frantically searching for any injury she could find on my body. "Oh my God! Baby, are you hurt?!"

"I'm good, mama," I said, moving out of her frantic hand's reach.

"I'm calling the police!" She said, rushing to the phone.

"Fo' what?" I asked.

"I don't want his ass coming back here!" she said.

"Mama, don't get the cops involved in this. Ion feel like gettin' questioned and looked up and down right now," I said.

"Ain't nobody gon' be lookin' at you up and down, Carter. You didn't do anything wrong."

"It don't matter, mama. Ion feel like bein' questioned regardless. He ain't comin' back here and if he do, he could get the other side cracked open if he want to," I said, holding my bloody baseball bat up.

"Carter, you could have been shot!!" she yelled as the tears began running from her eyes. "I don't wanna take no chances!"

"Mama, calm down," I said, walking over to her and rubbing her shoulder. "You don't need all this stress right now. I promise I'm good."

She slid down with her back against the wall into a squatting position on the floor as the tears continued to flow from her eyes. Her cries became more heartbreaking as she began shaking and weeping. She was scared for me. I knew it.

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