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Telissa walked down the corridors of her beloved school, her fingers ghosting over the stone brickwork. This wouldn't be an unusual thing to do if it wasn't one in the morning. This is always what Telissa did when the nightmares kept her up, she walked around the castle and just thought. It was dangerous. She knew that, thoughts had always been a dangerous thing. She learned that from an early age, thoughts get you into trouble. Thoughts can get you killed. But there was no harm in walking around in the dead of night with them. The air was freezing, like an arctic wind. Telissa would've realised that if she was paying attention to anything but her thoughts. She also would've realised that there was footsteps approaching her from around the corner.

Alas, she didn't notice until the person had smacked into her and she was sent tumbling to the floor.

"I'm so sorry!" A voice exclaimed

Telissa looked up and was met with the sight of a slightly dishevelled Newt Scamander. She recognised him from a couple of her classes. He was a shy hufflepuff but undoubtedly a smart one. He was forever reading and talking to the Lestrange girl. Telissa was a popular girl but she still notices people.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone was walking and I was distracted, I'm sor-"
"It's okay, honestly it is."

He looked down at her with a confused look.

"Aren't you cold?"

Telissa looked down to see she was wearing her usual ravenclaw vest with a pair of blue shorts. Many thought it inappropriate to wear, even to bed, but she didn't care.

"No. I hadn't really noticed the cold until now to be honest."

"What are you doing up?" Newt said, crouching down to her level instead of helping her up.

"What are you doing up?" Telissa asked, rearranging herself so she was leaning against the wall.

"I do believe I asked first" he replied, giving a shy smile. She returned it.

Telissa tried to think of a lie that seemed plausible but her mind went blank. She trusted the shy hufflepuff but she had never told anyone.

"It's lonely.."
"What is?"
"Being me. It's very lonely." With every word she uttered she pulled her legs up to her chest.
"You couldn't possibly be lonely! I mean you're one of the most well known girls in the whole school. Everyone likes you!"

She suddenly pushed herself up and grabbed Newt's arm, who had sprung up when she shot up. She pulled him by the arm towards the main door then took a sharp right turn to the window.

"Do you trust me?"

He paused, looking into the ravenclaw's eyes. They were a off shade of blue, such a deep blue that they looked almost purple. He didn't see what he usually saw when he watched her. He usually saw a beautiful girl who was confident in both herself and her actions. But right now he saw a girl who was desperately clinging to him as if to find some comfort.

"Yes." He whispered.
"Then jump." She said

The window was on the first floor but it was on a hill, making it steeper. You wouldn't die from jumping but you could break your leg if you landed wrong. He looked at Telissa, she walked up to the window and swung her legs over the sill. She rested for a second, sitting on the sill looking out at the school yard. The moonlight hitting her and making her look like an angel. At least in Newt's mind she did.

In a swift movement, she pushed herself off the sill and was gone. Newt ran to the sill and looked out of the window to see Telissa staring up at him, a smile on her face.

"C'mon then!"

He smiled and shook his head. His head telling him that he shouldn't, coming up with all the reasons he should just turn around and leave. Yet he still pushed himself onto the sill and sat with his legs dangling for a second. He took a deep breath before pushing himself off and soon after landing on his feet.

"I knew you could do it Newt! I knew you wouldn't let me down!" She grinned at him like a small child.

He could see now why so many people were drawn to her. She made you feel special for doing the most mundane things.

"Come this way."

He looked over at her. Her hand was extended to him and she looked at him with contentment. He took her hand and she pulled him towards the quidditch pitch.

When they reached the middle of the pitch, she let go of his hand and lay on her back in the grass. He hesitantly sat beside her.

"They don't really like me.."

He looked at her but she didn't look at him. She continued to stare at the star studded sky.

"Yes they do"
"No, no they don't. They like who I show them but that person doesn't exist. It's a façade."

As she finished the word façade she threw her arms up. Newt just looked at her in disbelief.

"I'm not that confident, no one is! But that's what people like, they-"
"No, people like you for you"
"But that's the thing Newt" she said sitting up and facing me.
"No one knows me. This is me. The girl who sits in quidditch pitches at one in the morning ranting to a cute boy who couldn't care less. That's me"

Newt blushed when she said cute but she didn't even seem to notice that she had let it slip.

"But" he began "you could show them."
"It isn't that simple Newt" she said, rubbing her face.
"How not?"
"Because no one likes a broken girl.."

Her eyes drifted up from the grass she was playing with, meeting Newt's green eyes.

"Now, why were you up?"
"Well...I was in the forbidden forest."
"Merlin's beard, Newt Scamander, a rule breaker."

He gave her a shy smile whilst she grinned like a Cheshire cat.

"What were you doing in there?"
"There's meant to be a rare creature in there and I was hoping to study it's mannerisms."
"Because it would be interesting and I could educate other wizards about it. Many of them are misunderstood. Much like you."

She looked him in the eyes and gave him what could only be described as a sad smile.

"Why the sad smile?" He questioned
"Tomorrow, we'll act like this never happened."
"We don't have to."
"Not by my choice, not by yours either"
"Then who's?"

He was silent. He couldn't deny it. She was his best friend but she wouldn't allowed him to speak to Telissa.

"She isn't good for you. I'm not saying that I am, all I'm saying is she's selfish and you deserve someone who'll listen to you."
"As do you"

She laughed.

"That's where you're wrong Mr Scamander. I deserve everything that happens. It's my fault."

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