6. And who might this be?

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I looked at Newt with reserved anger the whole way to Tina's house. I was mad that he'd said I hadn't changed and he was mad at me for some reason unknown to me. I walked at the back of the group in a huff. The streets were lit up with lamps now, casting shadows in every direction. It made the streets look almost magical and enchanted. I always loved walking around at night because it was almost like you were the only person alive. Everything was so still and quiet, it was almost like you could hear a pin drop in Japan. Everything looked different too, dark and gloom but also untouched. Like something out of a museum. I was pulled from my thoughts by walking into something solid and falling on my arse.

I looked up to see Newt looking at me with an amused expression plastered on his face. I scowled back up at him and he raised an eyebrow. We both were determined to stay mad at each other so neither of us said a word but Newt still extended his hand to me. I looked at his hand and stuck my tongue out at him before lying down on the pavement.

"Are you being serious right now Redstone?"

I sat up immediately. He called me Redstone. He called me by my last name. He hadn't did that since third year when I used to be in detention and he'd walk past. Every single time I'd have it, he would walk past the door and shake his head. Then he'd smiled at me and say "Detention again, Redstone?". It made me smile in spite of myself. I looked into Newt's eyes and found that they had softened again. I liked when Newt wasn't mad at me, he was quite intimidating when he was mad. One time I punched his best friend, Leta, in the face and broke her nose. To be fair, she did call me a slag and asked how many times I'd had sex with Alex. Newt didn't see it that way and for a whole week didn't speak to me and completely blanked me. He only acknowledged my existence when I apologised to Leta.

"Yes. Yes I am, Scamander."

He shook his head fondly and smiled at me. He extended his hand once again and this time I took it. He pulled me up and steadied me as I wobbled from getting up so fast. I looked to see Tina and Jacob further in front. I turned to Newt to see him already looking at me.

"You would've thought she'd notice."

He shrugged and continued to walk. It seemed that moment of softness was gone and I was back to the silent treatment. I decided to take a new tactic than continue to ignore him. I took three big strides to catch up with the tall bugger and grabbed his hand. He looked down at me but I kept my gaze on Tina in front of me. He cleared his throat and then opened his mouth to say something. But as per usual he closed it again.

"What?" I ask.

"Huh?" He replied softly

"What were you going to say?"


"You never could lie to me, Newt."

We walked in silence to Tina's apartment. We stopped on the street outside it.

"Okay, before we go in, I'm not supposed to have men on the premises." Tina said.

"Then maybe me and Mr Kowalski should seek other accommodation." Newt suggested, edging away from Tina.

"No, you shan't Mr Scamander. You're still a criminal!"

I let out a snort at the look Newt was giving Tina.

"You too, Miss Redstone!" Tina exclaimed.

"I haven't even did anything!" I threw my hands in the air in exasperation.

"Not yet." She said before turning and walking into the apartment building.

"Um...should we follow her?" Jacob asked, confused about the screaming match that happened moments before.

I simply nodded sharply before stomping into the apartment building. I could hear Jacob whispering something to Newt and I turned to see Newt looking at me very intensely while nodding to whatever Jacob had said. I raised an eyebrow at him as if to ask if he was going to join me and he simply shrugged. I crossed my arms and tapped my foot, pretending to be waiting for him. I saw him shake his head and smile before heading up the steps and walking into the apartment building with Jacob following. I opened my mouth to make a smart ass remark but was cut off by a

"What is taking you so long?"

I turned to see an impatient Tina.

"Just coming!"

We had reached the top of the stairs when a voice shouted up.


"Yes, Mrs Esposito" Tina called back.


"Always alone, Mrs Esposito"

I put my hand on Tina's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Maybe you should get back out there T" I said softly.

She rolled her eyes and pushed past me into her apartment. I turned to see that both Newt and Jacob had gone inside too. Something inside me told me that it was time to leave. To just walkk out the door and forget that I had saw Newt again. I was at the top of the stairs, my foot on the first one to desend them when a cough interrupted me. I turned to see Newt sticking his head out.

"Where are you going?"

"No-where" I said, removing my foot from the step and heading towards the door.

"That's what I thought." He whispered in my ear as I passed.

I turned and stuck my tongue out at him before flopping down on the couch. Jacob was sat next to me looking at a woman who I didn't recognise.

"He didn't get the money he wanted for his bakery. You bake, honey? I love to cook." The woman said.

I remembered his pastries from earlier and how good they looked. It was quite surprising that he didn't get that money.

You're a Legilimens?" Newt asked her.

"Or you're a damn good guesser!" I said, giving Newt a withering look.

"Yeah. But I always have trouble with your kind." She said gesturing to me and Newt. "Brits, it's the accents."

"Excuse me but who are you?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm Queenie, Tina's younger sister."

"Oh! Yeah, I've heard about you. I thought you'd be a bit of a bi-"

"Lovely home you have Queenie" Newt cut in.

I looked around at the small but cosy flat. The fire gave the room a nice glow and the dark colours of the living room made it just feel...loving almost. It was refreshing to be in a place that felt like that. She hadn't been in a loving place since sixth year. I was so absorbed in though whilst looking at the fire that I didn't notice Queenie staring at me. It wasn't until Newt asked her why she was staring at me did I look to find her looking at me. The look on her face was one of a person grieving a close family member.

"Don't read my mind Queenie" I sighed softly.

"I didn't mean to, it just happens easier when people are hurting, I'm really sorry." Queenie rushed.

"I don't mind Queenie but all you're gonna find is sadness. And I don't think that's healthy for you. God knows it isn't healthy for me."

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