5. The Yule Ball

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I looked down at the dress I was wearing. It was...beautiful. It really was but it just wasn't me. It was a black, backless dress that was so long it had a trail at the back. It was brought in at the waist slightly and it fitted me just perfectly. I loved nearly everything about it. The one thing that I hated about it was the backless aspect of it, the cutout part of it stopped right above my ass. It just made me feel exposed.

I looked in the mirror again, examining my face. I looked the same as I always did. My makeup was perfect as I had taken my time and not rushed it as I usually did before I had to run to class in the morning. My black hair fell past my shoulders in perfect curls, framing my face. I looked different to how I usually looked. I didn't like it. My hair was usually a mess from the wind and my uniform was usually muddy or ripped. I always looked like a Gryffindor and I liked it that way. Now I just looked bland.

"ARE YOU READY?" A voice screamed at me from downstairs.

I let out a sigh before putting on my biggest smile. I'd agreed to go to the yule ball with Louis Dover. I fucking hate Louis Dover. But I agreed to go with him because the guy I wanted to go with was going with a complete cunt. Anyway, it's no use crying over spilled potion like my mum used to say. I walked over to the door and paused for a second, taking a deep breath before pulling it open and descending the stairs.

"Hot." He said with a sleazy smile.

"Thank you" I said through gritted teeth

He held out his arm and I grabbed onto it. We walked through the castle towards the main hall in silence which I thanked Merlin for. When we finally reached the staircase that was outside the main hall I noticed my best friend standing with his date. I felt the weight on my chest lessen slightly at the sight of him.

Me and Alex had been best friends since first year. We had hated each other for the first six months until we got locked in a broom closet after we'd both pranked the Slytherins. Nothing bonds people together quite like the threat of a beating. We escaped scot-free and became best friends. He was with his girlfriend, Persephone Black. Together they looked incredible, with Persephone in a burgundy silk dress that came just above her knees and Alex in a black suit with a burgundy tie. They both shot me comforting smiles as I descended the stairs.

Whispers filled the hall when we walked in.

"She looks gorgeous."

"Merlin's beard, she's stunning."

"She could do so much better than that sleaze bag"

"I can't believe she's with him."

"When are she and Alex going to get together? They'd be such an IT couple!"

I turned to see who said the last comment only to find Ingrid Malfoy. She was a snooty Slytherin. A beautiful one but snooty. She hated me for the simple fact that I seemed to "take" everything from her. I didn't, she just never vocalizes what she wants and then blames it on me when I go and do what I want. For example, she wanted to go with Louis but instead of dropping hints or asking him, she just left him alone. And then she has the cheek to blame me!

I stared at her for a second before my attention was ripped away to Professor Dumbledore.

"Let us dance!" His voice boomed across the hall.

Two hours later and the hall was half full yet still too cramped for me. The heat in the hall was almost suffocating and I was desperate for a breath of fresh air.


"Yeah?" He turned to me

Alex looked completely drunk. His eyelids drooped and were slightly red like he'd been crying. Maybe he had been. He and Persephone had gotten into a heated argument over a girl that winked at Alex. Don't get me wrong, I like Steph but she was an extremely jealous person.

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