3. Pastries?..

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By the time we had reached the Wand Permit office where Tina was working, I had calmed down. We walked out of the elevator and headed towards Tina's crowded desk that was overflowing with different bits of paperwork. When we reached her desk, Tina positioned herself behind it and started going through a pile of paper. I wondered if she was actually searching for anything and if she was would she be able to find it anytime soon.

"So you have a wand permit? All foreigners must have one." Tina asked, glancing up from the stack of papers.

"I made a postal application weeks ago" Newt replied.

"You couldn't have just said yes but you left it at home." I whispered.

Tina shot me a look and went back to flicking through the mountains of paper that surrounded her. Newt and I just stood awkwardly, unsure of whether or not to grab a seat or perch on one of the desks. Alas we just stood still and watched Tina go about her business. I leaned slightly against Newt and that's when I realised that my hand was still encased with his. I opened my mouth to say something but shut it as I realised that no matter what I remarked, he would almost certainly let go and I wasn't quite ready to let go just yet.

"So...how's life?" I asked, rocking on my heels.

"It's been okay, how's yours been?" He asked, glancing at me sideways.

I didn't answer for a second, trying to fabricate an answer that sounded real but also happy. My mind went blank.




"How so?"

"After you got expelled from Hogwarts's many things happened. A lot of them bad."

He went to question me further but was unable to get any words out before an annoying man started shouting Tina's last name. Newt looked behind me whilst I looked to where Tina is...well was. I turned in time to see her crouch and hide behind her desk, just before the annoying man reached where we were standing. He looked at Newt briefly before turning his attention to me. His eyes raked up and down my body, stopping at places they certainly shouldn't have been stopping, I felt Newt wrap an arm around my waist and pull me closer to him in a protective manner. I blushed and looked up at Newt however Newt wasn't looking at me, he was staring at the annoying man in a threating manner. The man turned to look at Tina's desk, clearly scared of the look Newt was giving him.


Tina stood up from behind her desk, acting as if she was just looking for some papers and not hiding from him.

"Goldstein did you interrupt the investigations team again?"


"Where'd she pick you up?" He asked me.

"Um, she didn't, someone else did."

He opened his mouth to question me further before his eyes flickered to Newt, who was standing close to me, daring the man to say something else. I could feel the anger radiating off of the man next to me. In an attempt to calm him down I casually leaned against him, his arms circled my waist and pulled me even closer to him. Newt opened his mouth to say something to him but before he could Mr Graves walked into the confined space that was her office.

"Mr Graves" The annoying man started however Graves held up a hand silencing him.

"What was the meaning of that interruption Goldstein?"

"Well Mr Graves, sir, this man entered New York today and he let a creature lose in the bank and then failed to obliviate a no-maj!

I watched nervously as Mr Graves turned to look where me and Newt where standing, he gave me chills. There was something off about him, it was strange, it was like there was something I couldn't put my finger on. He looked me and Newt up and down, his eyebrows raised at the position we were in but neither of us made an attempt to move. Instead I raised one eyebrow in a questioning manner, almost daring him to make a comment.

"Where did these creatures come from Goldstein?"

"They came from his case sir"

Mr Graves took a step forward and held out his hand, clearly expecting Newt to hand it over. Newt looked at him with a face of calm anger. I knew Newt rather well and I knew for a fact that he wasn't letting the case go without a fight. Grave's face turned stony. He took another forceful step forward and I detached myself from Newt to stand in front of him. Graves looked down at me and I looked up at him. His cold, stony eyes meeting my bright, fiery ones. Neither of us were going to back down. Newt assessed this situation before reluctantly giving Graves the case.

Graves flashed me a look of pure smugness before turning his back to us and walking to a nearby desk. He undid the clasps on the case and pulled it open. Only the case wasn't filled with magical creatures but rather delicious looking pastries. Graves sighed heavily, shooting Tina a look before walking away. Tina looked flabbergasted. Newt looked distraught at the thought of his creatures being in the hands of a no-maj. I, on the other hand, had perked up.

"Is anyone going to eat that?"

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