4. He'll be fine! Right?..

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We were weaving through the busy midday streets of New York. Well, Newt and Tina were weaving and I was being dragged by Newt.

"Are you seriously still in a huff!" Newt exclaimed

I said nothing.

"The silent treatment?" Newt asked in disbelief.

I only wanted one pastry! Just one but apparently that was too much to ask. I was starving, I could feel myself wasting away as we walked. I took in my surroundings as I was in my huff. I enjoyed observing people, it's fascinating. You can find out a lot by observing people for a short time, it's like getting a small snippet of a story.

I watched a rather nervous looking man standing next to a cute girl. He kept glancing at her whilst she looked onwards. I stopped immediately, jerking Newt back as he was still holding onto my hand, and continued to watch the man. Newt opened his mouth to speak but one finger to my lips silenced him. He followed my gaze to the man who now had his hands behind his back, in them was a small velvet box. I watched as he turned to the girl and got on one knee, we were too far away to hear his speech but we did see the girl furiously nodding with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Young love." I said dreamily before walking away.

Newt followed me, falling into step with me at my side. I noticed him looking at me from the corner of my eye.



"You must have something to say if you keep looking at me."

"I was just thinking you haven't changed since fifth year."

I let out a bitter laugh.

"Look at me Newt. Look closely at me and tell me I haven't changed. Look into my eyes."

I dared him to look into my eyes. I saw him scanning them before moving to my face.

"Maybe you have changed then"

I continued walking until I realised that Newt hadn't moved from where we stood moments before. I turned to see him staring at the sky. I watched him watching the sky for a peaceful moment before Tina bumped into me.

"You both left me back there! I walked three blocks before I noticed!"

"You walked three blocks before realising? And you used to be an auror?"

She shot me a look and I smiled innocently. I turned back to look at Newt, who'd snapped back to reality and had started to turn his head to look in front of him. His eyes locked with mines and it seemed like the rest of the world faded away. We held eye contact for a few blissful moments before Tina waved her hand in front of my face, snapping us out of it.

"What?" I asked Tina.

"What? WHAT! There is a case containing magical creatures that are probably dangerous"

Newt, who'd caught up to where we were standing, opened his mouth to protest before quickly shutting it at the look Tina gave him.

"And you idiots are ogling each other like a couple of horny teenagers!"

I blushed and looked away, only to find a small bright insect flying above us. I suppose to the muggles it looked like a butterfly but it moved too quickly and was far too bright to be one.



"What's that?" I asked pointing at it

Newt walked beside me and let out a rather loud sigh. He looked in front of us before saying anything.

"We've got to hurry"

Mistakes (Newt Scamander)Where stories live. Discover now