Xander Has Been Stalking Me

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When the bell rang for lunch, Tyra ran out of her classroom and into the bustling cafeteria. Her eyes darted across the room looking for Xander. After a few moments, she gave up and sat down to eat.

She suddenly felt a hard grip on her shoulder. Tyra turned her head to see who it was. "Oh it's just you." she told Xander. "What do you need?" He sat down next to her against Tyra's will. "I don't need anything, except maybe you." he winked at Tyra. She punched him.

"Gosh, I'm here to ask about your aunt. Did you ask?" Xander said, while clutching his arm. Tyra paused. "Yes...." she said, still suspicious about Xander. "Good. So now you know the truth." he said.
"How you know about...."
"Your family?" Xander asked. Tyra slowly nodded.

"Well, first of all, you already know about Azure, Mainland, and Tidal. So basically, the reason why they won't allow people to cross other kingdoms is for "safety."

"I'm asking about how you know my family's secret".

"Just wait. Anyways, if you do cross borders, the superiors think that you will cause havoc. Why? That's what everybody's wondering about. What's even worse is a family of three different kingdoms, one from the sky, land, and water."

"Just like my family." Tyra muttered quietly.

"Just like yours. Now to answer your question, how do I know? It's a long story. Technically, my family's like that. My mom was born in land, my father from above. I was born in Tidal. My parents and I were living in the ocean, the biggest kingdom of all. Fun fact: people who are from the ocean have a special of ability of hearing ANYTHING if the sound is near any water."

"So....while I was in a lake, I heard someone talking, it was the three Royal Families. They were talking about a prophecy. It went something like "A child of three will pay a fee for disobeying His Majesty. Although the worlds will have distress, they shall solve an ancient mess. He or she will soon regain, the missing key to save the dawning day."

"The Monarchs went crazy after hearing the prophecy, even I did. After that day, my parents disappeared mysteriously. I tried to find them. One day, while I was searching for them, I stumbled across a library, deep in the depths of the ocean."

"I looked around and saw a book that holds a record about everything and everyone. I flipped to the page about the Torrence family and realized there was forbidden marriage in the family. Your family. I remembered the prophecy and realized you could be the one in the prophecy. So....I researched about you and came here to the Mainland to see you."

When Xander finished, he looked up at Tyra. She was staring at him with eyes wide open. "So....you......wow."
She shook her head "I can't believe all this. How come most people don't know?"

"Some spell was put on the Mainland. I don't know who caused it or what happened. If you tell them the truth, people will obviously look at you crazy."

"Then, how come I don't find this..impossible?"

"Because you are part Tidal and Azure."

"One last question." Tyra persisted. "How do you know you're not the one in the prophecy?"

Xander became silent. "I just find it not likely."

There was a long period of silence. The bell rang. "Thanks Xander for explaining." He shrugged. "No problem. I'll tell you more tomorrow."

Sky, Land, and Water *ON HIATUS UNTIL FINISHED REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now