Dallon's legs swung from side to side as he waited for the doctor to enter his small waiting room. He didn't particularly like coming to the doctor's office, but he had been pushing an appointment aside for far too long. Plus, he had been feeling a bit strange recently, between his strange dreams and blank spaces in his memory.
"Mr. Weekes! Long time, no see!"
"Hello, Dr. Harris." Dallon smiled nervously, stopping the movement of his legs.
Dr. Harris walked into the room and over to the counter across from Dallon, looking at a clipboard. He hummed stroking the dark stubble on his face. "So, how have you been?"
"I've been okay." Dallon shrugged, "Just had a check up coming up."
"Glad you're finally here for it." Dr. Harris smiled as he turned to Dallon, "Before we get to that, however, is there anything you'd like me to know about since your last appointment over a year ago?"
Dallon laughed nervously. He really hated doctors appointments... Dr. Harris was nice, but that could hardly sway Dallon's opinion of the place. "Yea, actually, recently I've been having these weird dreams I guess and lapses in my memory?" Dallon bit his lip. "Like, I don't remember going to bed or how I spent a few hours of my day... I dunno, Doctor, I've just been feeling weird recently."
Dr. Harris nodded. "Okay. Have you been taking any new medications?" He asked.
"New or recent diet changes?"
"Are you seeing anyone new?"
Dallon hesitated at that question. Yes, but could that really have anything to do with it? "I'm seeing a new person." He finally answered, softly.
"Safely, I hope." Dr. Harris remarked.
"Not like that..." Dallon mumbled, shifting his gaze to the floor. It wasn't the most comfortable subject to talk about, especially with someone you hardly knew, but he and Brendon had gone no further than kissing that third date.
"Did any of these symptoms arise after this person came into the picture?" Dr. Harris asked.
Dallon nodded, "Around the same time, yea."
"How long has it been since the last time you saw someone?"
Dallon reached up to tug at his earlobe. "Awhile..." He admitted with a sigh, "Highschool..."
"A bit rusty to the game then?" Dr. Harris asked with a small laugh. He wrote something down on his clipboard before looking up at Dallon. "Are you nervous at all about the potential for a new relationship?"
"I mean, I guess so." Dallon nodded, looking hesitantly up at the doctor.
The doctor was giving him a soft smile. "That may be a contributing factor. I've heard of plenty of cases where being head over heels equals so much over thinking that they loose bits of their day. You may have just lost some of your focus."
"That sounds..." Dallon trailed off. Maybe it was just that simple. What other explanation was there? It's not like he had much experience with this.
"Listen," Dr. Harris stepped over to Dallon, "from personal experience, I can confirm it's something that happens. When I first met my wife, I sometimes lost hours in the day trying to think of ways to impress her, make her smile, or just thinking about her in general. At times, my thoughts wouldn't even fully collect to help me figure out what I was thinking about."
"I know that feeling." Dallon said, thinking back to his seemingly short zone out that resulted in his painting of the human heart.
Doctor Harris smiled. "There you go. As far as the dreams are concerned, I can prescribe you some sleeping pills that help with dreamless sleep, if you'd like."
Blank Space °°Brallon/Ryden°°
Fanfiction×°They'll tell you I'm insane...°× Dallon didn't expect much to come from a comment on a social media post, but he especially didn't expect to fear for his life...