Psycho Love-Chapt. 2

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Chapter 2

Class ended and I went to the place Sophia and I usually hang out before I go home.

I was almost there when I saw Sophia. But, she was with someone else. I was curious to know who she was with. It was a guy though. I think I saw him before. In 3 or 4 of my classes.

"Hey." I greeted them.

"Hey!" Sophia said. " I want you to meet somebody" she gestures to the guy beside her. "This is Eddie. He's a friend of mine. Eddie, this is Katie."

"Um. Hey Katie." he says while waving hi to me.

I smile. "Hey."

I gotta admit though. He was kinda cute. He has cute wavy blonde hair and green eyes. And he was tall. Like 6'3. I felt like a tiny person because of my 5'4 height. I also felt quite plain with my brown hair and brown eyes.

"I gotta talk to you for a sec." Sophia said pulling me away.

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows in question.

"I need you to go on a date with Eddie." she said hurriedly

"What? Why?" I scrunch up my nose.

"Well. I kinda owe him for helping me with biology. And you know how hard biology is for me." she answered

"Why can't you do it?" I whine.

"Because I already have a boyfriend. Remember? Florence?" she said while raising her eyebrows.

Oh. Yeah. I remember. They have been going out since freshman year. How could I forget?

I was still hesitating.

"PLEASE????????" she looks at me with puppy dog eyes that I could never say no to.

I frown and say "Fine. But you owe ME now."

"Yay! Deal." she grins so wide while pulling me back to Eddie.

He was just awkwardly standing there while Sophia and I were talking.

"So Eddie, would it be okay if Katie went on a date with you?" Sophia asked excitedly.

"Yeah. Of course." he said directly.

"Yay. So that's settled. I'll leave you two alone to discuss your plans." she says

"You don't have to do this, you know." Eddie said.

"Oh! I'm totally fine with it." I said shaking my head.

"Good." he said. "I wouldn't want you backing out now." He mumbles so quietly.

"What was that? I didn't hear that last part." I said cocking my head to the side

"Oh. That was nothing." he smiles

"Okay." I smile "So when, what and where?"

"This Friday, dinner and a surprise okay with you?" he grins widely

"Yup! But... Can you give me a hint to where we're going?" I pout

"Uh-uh." he says while shaking his head and smiling.

"Aw. Please!" I make a puppy dog face and take a step closer to him

"No! Of course not." he says chuckling "That m'lady would ruin the surprise."

I cross my arms, frowning.


He laughs. "Aw. Don't be sad. Would say it will make you uglier but you're always beautiful."

I can't help but think he was really cute and I couldn't stop the blush creeping unto my checks.

"Thanks." I smile and look to the side so he won't see my blush. "I gotta go though. See you on Friday!" I walk up to him and give him a hug.

He hugs me back and I feel butterflies in my stomach.

I also feel a little prick on my scalp. "Ow." I pull back and rub the part of the scalp where I felt the prick.

"What's wrong?" he said, confused.

"Oh. Nothing. Bye!" I say shaking my head.

"Okay. Bye!" he said waving his hand bye.

I start walking away and feel like I was being watched again.

I looked back and saw that Eddie was already gone.

"oh well." I say while shrugging.


Hey guys. Second chapter.


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