Psycho Love-Chapt. 4

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Chapter 4

-After School-

"Bye Katie! Bye Eddie!" Sophia shouted, on her way home.

"Bye Soph!" I called after her.

I turned to Eddie and saw that he took another picture with his DSLR.

"I swear. When I get a hold of that camera, I'm gonna delete all of those photos." I grumbled.

"Even the really nice photos?" He asked me with raised eyebrows and he started to stroke my hair again.

"So you mean there are ugly, stupid and hideous photos of me in there?!" I stopped and looked at him incredulously. He also stopped stroking. I was quite baffled.

I'm only joking though! Haha!

"Of course not, dear!" He looked like a deer caught in headlights. It was actually quite amusing.

"I'm only joking Eddie! Hahaha! Oh my God, you actually fell for that!" I squeezed my eyes shut and slapped my knees, bending over.

Eddie pouted and took a picture. "At least I get a good picture."

I straightened up, still giggling a little here and there.

"But seriously though. Why do you keep taking photos of my face? I'm not even sure it's worthy of being in one." I look at him, inspecting his face.

"Why would you think that? You're absolutely gorgeous." He smiled at me, took my hand and we continued walking to my house.

I smiled at him. Wondering how I got so lucky with him. "Thank you." I didn't bother objecting to his statement. It's not something worth to make a fight about.


The whole time we were walking home, I was thinking about following him later. I started to get a little nervous.

'What if he finds me following him?'
'What if I find something shocking?'
'What if I find him with another girl?'

All the 'what ifs' were slowly brewing in my mind. Slowly letting doubts to flutter in and out of it.

Eddie suddenly stopped and I looked at him curiously.

"Why'd we stop?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Turn around." He says.

I do what he says and I was surprised to find that we were already at my house.

Wow. I thought of so many things during the walk that I didn't even know we were already at our destination.

I turned to Eddie saying, "Oh. Ha. I didn't even notice." I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

He grinned. "Wanna talk about it?"

"Nah. It was nothing important." I said as I shook my head.

"Mkay then, love. I'll be on my way then, m'lady" He hugged me while giving me a slow, lingering kiss on my cheek.

I hugged him back and waved goodbye as he walked down the street to his home.

When he was a safe distance away, I thought 'Operation Know Where Eddie Lives' is a go.

I silently followed him, curiosity building up and awaiting the things that I would learn about Eddie. No matter how shocking.

Well, I didn't know that I really would be shocked to the bone.

As the famous saying says,

"Curiosity Killed The Cat."


Mkay lol. I haven't updated this in more than 2 months. XD

I was really happy when I found a comment in my last chappie.

Even one comment means so much to me. It was actually that comment that like gave me a drive to write this chapter.

It said "Update!" And I was really happy to know that there was (at least) like two or three persons out there that likes this story. :)
So please please please vote, comment and share!

(Lol. I sound desperate. [which I really am XD])

Lalala 凸^-^凸

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