Nowadays am not much of an outdoor person, you will mostly see me in my room musicing (NEW WORD ALERT!! Start using it), instagramming, reading a novel or watching T.V; all indoor activities, going out to me is just stressful you know.
But i wasn't always like this, i enjoyed going out but Nigerian parents have a way of crushing what you enjoy doing. LOL
I remember all the times i was so eager to go out, like when friends decided to throw a party or organize an outing to the movies or something, i was always quick to accept an invite then run home to ask my mom for permission and funny enough she will say ye and i will be so happy and quickly text my friends and pick out the outfit i will wear. I will wake up the day of the outing having nothing in mind but the fun i was going to have and i will have my bath and start preparing in my room only for my mom to enter and look at me and ask where i was going and i will be like, "to the movies, i told you last week" and she will go, "oh, okay". Then i will continue preparing, do my make up and all, and go to the living room to tell my mom am ready to go and i will find her sitting there waiting for me and she goes, "must you always go out" and am standing there thinking, i have never even gone for an outing with friends before, and she goes on to say, "why can't you stay in the house and read your books, when you finish school you can go out all you want and besides so many things are happening in this country right now, people are getting kidnapped and you don't know this because you don't watch the news, only to glue your eyes to your phone 24/7". And i will still be standing there thinking, "it's the day i want to go out you remember kidnappers, when you are sending me to the market that thought doesn't cross your mind" and i keep standing there hoping but dreading her next words.
"anyways you can't go sef, there are things i need you to do for me, maybe next time"and am like,
"you could have just said no from the beginning"
And i will go to my room and lie on my bed, crying my eyes out at how much i hate my life and start thinking of how i will call my friends and cancel with no legitimate reason than my mom changed her mind.
After this happened to me more than a million times, i lost interest in going out. In school, i was the girl that wasn't into all the social things, i got used to it and just preferred staying at home and not bothering to even accept invites, talk less of ask for permission.
As time went, i stopped asking and whenever someone makes last minute plans to go out and include me, i just laugh and think, "see this one o, it's like they don't know i need like 14 working to give a presentation to my parents on where am going and why and wait for approval that will never come", so i just decline the invite and say i do not feel like going.
But now that have started university and all, whenever i come home for holidays and the rare times i want to go out they agree without qualms but am already used to my indoor life and don't bother going out much because its just stressful and expensive.
The struggles of a Nigerian girl
Humori think the title is self explanatory....this is my story