Chapter Three - The Morning After

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He sat on his bed, opening the white envelope.

Dear Ezekiel,

We're sorry you had to find out this way. We wanted to tell you so many times but we didn't know how, you're just a boy. At this age your powers will start to form and this school will help you with that. You've inherited great abilities and we couldn't have that go to waste.
We brought some of your clothes beforehand and got you your school uniform; we hope you make lots of friends and do the best you can.


We love you so much,

Mum and Dad.

All Thomas could do was put his head in his hands. He was now going to start a new school with no friends, his new roommate didn't seem pleasant, he is going to be away from his parents but for how long? But on the bright side he has powers he didn't know of, that should be a plus.

Thomas began unpacking his suitcases hearing the snoring of Manuel. He placed his familiar clothes inside a tall blue wardrobe, noticing the school uniform. The blazer was a midnight black while the jumper and tie were red. Uniform wasn't really a problem for Thomas, if he were allowed to wear it with his converse he wouldn't have a problem.

After about thirty minutes, Thomas finally finished packing, changed into his favourite Spider-Man pyjamas and laid under his bed covers. Looking up to the ceiling he knew he couldn't go to sleep so easily. Thinking about the night that has just transpired, Thomas was hoping his parents knew this was the right call to make and if he was stuck here, he would have to make the most of it. Then within a couple of minutes, he fell right asleep.

"Oi, wake up." Thomas heard a voice across the room but it wasn't his mum.
"Five more minutes mum..." Thomas said, ruffling his head in his pillow, putting his bed sheets over his head.
Manuel scrunched his face together, confused at what Thomas was saying.

"I am not your mum, you fool!"
Thomas jumped in his bed, looking around and noticing where he was. Definitely not a dream. Thomas thought.
"Get ready, they're going to take us to breakfast soon." Manuel added.Manuel was wide awake bright and early, leaving Thomas the complete opposite way. Normally he's exactly like how Manuel is right now; waking up early, hyperactive and ready for the day to see where it would take his next adventure. But today, today was different. He felt like having a lazy day feeling the warmness of his new bed.

"Get up or I get in trouble for you still sleeping  in the bed." Manuel called again.

"I'm up!"
Getting himself cleaned up, Thomas took a long shower while every ten minutes Manuel would bang on the door telling him to hurry up before their assigned tutor came knocking on the door.

"What's the tutor for?" Thomas questioned. Manuel began to roll his eyes up, thinking only of the stupidity of his roommate. "Ill just let them explain when they get here which could be any minute now, HURRY UP."
Thomas knew he was truly an annoying person but never by purpose, he thought no one could be that. Until he met his new roommate...

After feeling satisfied, Thomas finally left the shower before drawing his school uniform from the hanger placed on the wardrobe. It fit him perfectly, of course it would his parents chose it out for him.
As he just finished placing on his blazer buttoning it up, there were two knocks on the wooden door. Manuel opened the door revealing Gray.

"Gray?" Thomas questioned. Gray stepped his large boot that was decorated with golden chains, inside their room and walked in.

"Good morning to the both of you, I hope you had a good sleep. Ill be your new tutor for the rest of your first year or as some people call it 'head of year'."
Manuel instantly brought out his hand to greet him. "I'm Manuel Chaudry sir, it's a pleasure to meet you." Gray delightfully returned the greeting and shook the little boy's hand.
"Nice to meet you too young man. Now, we have a packed day ahead of us: we have an assembly in a few minutes, so lets get going."

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