Chapter Seven - Sports

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Thomas loved Fridays. That way he could relax and explore and go on another adventure. Today wasn't one of those days. Very far from it. All first-year students were sitting in the hall just finishing breakfast waiting for their head-of-year; Gray to appear. Thomas and Leia were sat beside one another, silent as a Basenji dog, but Thomas didn't want the silence to last.

"So," Thomas started, Leia looking to him. "What d'you think they're keeping us in here for?"

"I'm not sure, but it must be important because they wouldn't make us late to lesson for no reason." Thomas noticed Leia knit her eyebrows together. He couldn't help think how funny she looked when she did that. But another thing crept on his mind -- her accent. It wasn't the normal British accent but more american.

"Where are you from?" He asked.
Thomas saw her face go slightly scarlet as she opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by Gray walking in.

"Hello, children." Gray began. He walked over to the front of the hall and stood infront of the Lady Agnes' chair speaking in a fairly loud voice for all the students to hear. "Im sure you're all wondering what you're still doing here, but i'll just get right to it as I don't want you to miss so much of your lesson. I would like to announce that this year we'll be bringing back the Galactik Football tournament for you students to play."

Galactik football? What is that? Thomas thought. Football in space?

"First-year-students will face off against first-year students as will second years against second years and so on. Each team will only be allowed five players each and not anything more or less."
Students were silently cheering at his announcement, filled with joy.


"We are actually going to play Galactik Football. I cant wait!"

Gray then continued. "With that note, lessons will now be added to your last periods every friday, so you will not be finishing your day early anymore." And with a switch of a flick the room was filled with moans and groans, no one liking the idea of a longer day. Even Thomas wasn't so thrilled by it but only because he was terrible at any sport he tried.

Once the announcements were done, the students stood up and went on their way to their lessons. As Thomas was walking with Leia up the long steps, he questioned her about the sport.

"What exactly is Galactik Football?"

"Um,well, it's just football where you kick the ball into the other team's net --everyone follows it. But the reason it is called Galactik Football is because we use our anima when we play."

"But none of us have awakened our anima yet so how can we still be able to play?" Thomas asked, glancing at Jacob as he was cheering with excitement about the news.

"Its still possible to play but you'll be at more of a disadvantage than with someone who does have it and you'll lose."

With that, Thomas and Leia walked into their History lesson, dreading for their last period.

The last lesson of the day rolled around swiftly. Thomas went back into his dorm room to change into what he had: A bright blue jumper, green shorts and his signature converse sent by his Mother.

As they were outside on the clear, breezy day, they stood on the lush green grass, waiting for their teacher. Thomas noticed Leia biting her lip, staring into space.

"Are you okay?" Asked Thomas.
Leia blinked, like she was just broken out of a trance before looking to Thomas.

"Oh, yeah, nothing." She replied. Thomas knew it wasn't nothing but didn't push further as Mrs Le'Monte, their teacher, walked out with two big bags stuffed with footballs inside.

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