Chapter Eight - Halloween

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It was October 31st - The day of Halloween. The entire academy was filled with bright orange lights, pumpkins displayed on the stone walls. The Thomas household never really celebrated Halloween, but if children came knocking on the door, they couldn't help but give out the sweets they had stuffed in their cupboard. So for Thomas, it was any other normal day. A Saturday. A free weekend.

For today, Thomas decided to go to the library. There were books laid on tens of thousands of shelves, with very few people around. The old table had many rough and sharp splinters. Only pages turning and chair scraping as people came in and out was all Thomas could hear as he was reading.

He read up on his class book for Magical Creatures. This was practically another world for Thomas and gaining knowledge on so many different creatures really was captivating to him. Just about anything he saw in this world was to him.

It was the Draconian Woodtail that popped up once again when he turned the page.
The image that showed on the page was a small humanoid body that was made out of a tree trunk. Its four tiny fingers and feet were crawled out being very over shined by its red eyes. Thomas read on, hearing the scrape of the brown chair next to him and the scent of a flowery perfume it seemed.

"Hey." Whispered someone next to him. Thomas turned his head from the book to see Leia.

"Oh, hi." As soon as he replied he covered his mouth at the high volume of his voice. "Sorry" he whispered.

"I've been looking for you everywhere." Said Leia, placing her History book on the table. "I thought you were in your room till I found you here."
Thomas couldn't help but feel a friendly piece of pleasure for Leia; she had been looking just for him.

"Yeah, I thought I'd just come here and read where it was quiet."
Thomas looked back down to his book, as their silence grew. Thomas heard Leia open her book as he read on about the Draconian Woodtail living astray. He couldn't get her accent out of his mind and tried to find a right moment to ask her ever since he had heard her speak, but never did. But this time it seemed right.

"Leia." He called. Leia looked up to him with raised eyebrows. "Hmm?"

"Where are you from?" He asked.
Leia was caught off guard as she stumbled with her words.
"Oh-oh, um...we-well, I lived in Canada till I was five, and then moved and lived here ever since."

Now that would explain the accent. Thought Thomas.
"How come you moved here?"
This was when Leia turned scarlet red. She tried to look everywhere else but at Thomas.

"Uh--" As she was about to speak someone gently tapped on Thomas's shoulder.
It was a first-year girl who Thomas had noticed around the school and in his lessons. He couldn't remember her name at all.

"Mr. Gray would like to see you in his room." She said.
Room? Thomas thought. "What room?"

"Its the one under the headteacher's office." She smiled, walking off. Thomas looked to Leia wondering when Gray ever had room. He definitely never mentioned having one.
Thomas began and closed his book, clutching it to his side as he stood up heading towards the exit.
As he stopped at the door, he glanced to his left not seeing a certain person with him.

"Leia?" He called out in a whisper, trying not to talk so loud to disturb other students. "Aren't you coming?"
Leia stood up from the chair, walking over to him.

"He asked you to go." She stated. "So i'll wait here if you come back." Thomas couldn't help but giggle a little.
"Come on." He smiled.

"So what exactly do you think he wants with you?" Asked Leia, as they now stood in front of Gray's office.

"No clue." Thomas replied, giving the green door three rhythmic knocks. "I guess we're about to find out."

The wooden door opened, showing tall old man. "Ezekiel!" He grinned. "How lovely to-" he went silent. Looking to Leia, he smiled once more. "Ms. Layfield?" He questioned, his blue eyes now back on Thomas's black ones. "I see you've made a friend."

Thomas nodded silently.
It really was nice to hear it from another's mouth.
Gray led them inside, shutting the door as they did.

His room was spotless and bright. his table filled with papers and a small silver necklace. No spec of dust could be seen at the visibility of the table, only showing a few golden jewelry decorated around the edges.

"How are you both doing?" Gray asked, taking a seat on his chair. "Enjoying your classes?"

"Well, they're not bad at all, just a lot of reading." Thomas replied.

"Ah yes, that is how it is for the first month or two until you all awaken your power within."
Thomas still wondered how to do it. If there was an energy inside, how could you possibly awaken it by yourself with the only words the teacher giving "By acknowledging and vindicating your inner self."

"I have something for you, Ezekiel." Thomas heard suddenly. He looked up seeing Gray bring out a wrapped up box. Gray curved his lips up and gave it to him. "This is for you. From your Mum and dad."

Mum and dad? Thomas thought. Another letter but with a present this time?
The box wasn't heavy nor light as Thomas felt it in his hands.

"What do you think it is?" Asked Leia. Thomas ignored looking down at the box with only one thing in his mind. His parents.
"I'd like to see them." He demanded.

Thomas saw the eyes of Gray look down. "Im sorry Ezekiel, but that cannot be done."

"Why not?"

"The rules are; no student is allowed to contact anyone outside the mystic realm. Apart from special occasions."
Thomas felt like punching a wall, though if he did, his hand would be obliterated. It was a struggle for him to not throw the gift on the floor. How was he not able to see his parents let alone not even send a letter?

"I think you should open that, see what it is." Leia inquired. Thomas could tell she was trying to make the mood that turned ever so quickly for him back to light-hearted. He listened and started unwrapping, as both Gray and Leia eyed it.

He pulled open the lid of the box, his eyes stretched wide open. The coat of the item was bright red as it faded to midnight black toward the heel. The signature yellow tick stretched out from the toe cap and ended at the heel counter.
The Hypervenom four-fifty.

"How?" He asked, not looking up.

"I went to speak with them." Gray started. "Told them about your new team and they told me to give you that gift - a special shoe of some sort."

Thomas could only admire but couldn't wait to try them on.
"They're proud of you." He heard.

Later on that evening, Thomas and Leia entered the hall for the Halloween feast. The waiters and waitresses brought out the feast on silver glittery plates. 

Thomas was just helping himself with a leg of a chicken when Jacob came over to him and Leia. "Hey, guys," He called, "The first round starts in two days, so hopefully some of the training has paid off. Eat a lot and get some rest." With that, Jacob went back to his seat, leaving Thomas to look to Leia shrugging. 

"Well, good luck to us." He said, taking a bite of his steak. 

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