Chapter Four - Holmsgarth Town

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"Are we finally done yet?" Moaned Mafalda. The five students were making their way out of the school with Gray after having a long tour of the castle. Thomas found it hard to believe there were so many floors and a witnessed a school so huge.

"Not yet young sorceress, we still have the town to see. You can shop and buy things like books or clothes and food." Replied Gray. As much as all of them liked to see the shops, they were just too tired to do anything anymore. If they fainted none of them would be surprised at all, it would probably be better than walking all the way. Thomas liked the classrooms he saw, even if it took long going from room to room.

They walked across the pond and into the forest. The forest they entered was oak-brown and primitive. The grasses they stepped on were crackly beneath their feet as Thomas was in awe of the size and majesty of the trees. They were hoary fortresses and stood proudly.He did something he normally would do, but the others were looking at him like he was from another dimension. His arms rose ever upwards, as far as he could lift, jumping up and reaching the branch, climbing all the way up the tree. The orchestra of birdsong that was heard suddenly stopped.

"What the heck are you doing?" questioned Manuel, shaking his head. He most definitely thought he was being stupid. Why did he have to be a roommate to such an imbecilic boy. Manuel thought. Thomas looked down to him. "Exploring." Thomas simply said excitedly.
He looked at the view, and was it a sight to see. The green serrated mountains loomed in the distance. The tips of the mountain range stuck up like a row of thorns. And for but a moment,a small smile was placed upon Leia's face as she looked up at Thomas.

"Thomas, get down before you hurt yourself!" Gray demanded. And with one jump, Thomas landed on the grass and they made their way to town.

There were shops selling jumpers and trousers, shops selling musical CD's and instruments, shops selling spell books Thomas had never seen before. There were medical centers and food restaurants placed near them. The place was crowded with people.

"Welcome to Holmsgarth Town." Announced Gray. The only place where Thomas saw so many people in one place filled with shops was Oxford Street. Gray went into his long pocket and brought out pieces of papers. "Here is the map for the town." He handed each of them a map. Looking at the map, Thomas saw that it wasn't really that big as he thought it was. Actually it was quite a small town.

"So first, we head to Lavender's book shop."

"Why?!" Complained Mafalda. "There's a clothing shop right there, can we just check it out?" As beautiful as she was, she did tend to whine quite a bit thought Thomas.

"Not yet." Replied Gray. "I'd like to show you the greatest bookshop in the world."
Mafalda lifted her eyes up, folding her arms together.

"Is there a sports shop too?" Asked Jacob.

"Of course there is, dear boy. Colliners Direct. The finest there is."
Placing his hands in his pockets, Thomas thought about what sort of sports they play while Jason was jumping up and down in excitement.
Was it Basketball, golf, football or even tennis?

A few minutes later they were all on their way to the bookshop. There were all sorts of different people in town. Some drunk, some who were too tall you could call them giants and people with mysterious creatures. Thomas swore he saw a dog with spiked hair on its back leading into its tail.
Within two minutes, they were at Lavender's bookshop. The letters on the sign were slowly fading away while its wood looked like it was half beaten.

They entered the bookshop with a sharp smell of burning incense hitting Thomas's nose. Books were placed on shelves all over the tiny shop. Some old and rusty, some you could see were quite new.
At the oak made desk sat a light-skinned woman, dressed in a purple cardigan and shirt. She looked up from her desk, making the edge of her lips curve up.

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