Chapter Twenty Four: Helen's return

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Helen’s POV

Percival and I sat in the carriage on the way back to Camelot. I had a bad feeling something was terribly wrong but I had no idea why. Maybe it’s the fact that since I’ve been back with my brother Merlin I’m use to him there and now he isn’t I’m being paranoid or something.

However we are still going back. Percival agreed that we would just keep worrying so it be best just to pop back show our faces make sure everything is fine before we leave again. “You think I’m stupid don’t you?” I asked Percival.

“No of course not, I love you Helen and I trust in your feelings.  Don’t worry I want to do this too,” said Percival as he took my hand tightly comforting me.

“I love you too,” I whispered to him as I put my head on his shoulder. I don’t know what I would do without Percival now....he makes me whole.

Arthur’s POV

I couldn’t believe my father. He wouldn’t listen...he never did. I can’t allow my father to kill Merlin. I love Merlin he is my life now and without him there be no point to my life. I need Merlin to beside me to rule the kingdom with me but without him I can’t do that and I’ll probably die anyway.

Why couldn’t my father just listen and understand that we would already be dead without Merlin. I miss Merlin....I need him right now and he probably needs me now too. To comfort him to let him know he would be alright. He probably hates me for letting the two knights just drag him away like that.

I felt tears come to the surface of my eyes and I let them fall. They fell for Merlin they fell for the love I have for him as well as they fell for regret. I should have stood up to my father when Merlin was there. Merlin has no one locked in that cell right now and I have no idea what he would do.

Would he break out? He can easily do that. I really don’t know what to do. I’m stuck in this cell and Merlin is nearby so close but yet so very far away. I have to see him....comfort him before this completely destroys him. Merlin doesn’t deserve any of this. Merlin knew the risks we both did but right now in this moment we had hoped it would never happen.

We thought it would never happen...this has never stayed in our brains too long, our thoughts. In this moment Merlin probably felt scared, worried and upset. He is to face his death...anyone would be like that. I know Merlin is strong but there is only so much he can take. “Merlin!” I shouted his name rushing to my feet and began to rattle the bars of the cell.

The guard looked at me before he turned away not caring what so ever. I sighed. I slumped to the ground with tears flooding out of my eyes. Merlin.....oh Merlin. What have I done? My selfish selfishness to want to spend as much time with him as possible....this is my thought. He faces his death because of me.

Merlin’s POV

“Merlin!” I heard someone shout. That sounded so like Arthur. Maybe it was just my imagination. Maybe it’s because I miss him so much...I want him in my arms. I let the tears continue to fall. I wonder what Uther has done with Arthur.

Deep inside I know Arthur cares and that he wouldn’t just leave me here. The last time something happened like this....with Gwen he had locked him in his chamber. Maybe he was doing that now.

“I’ll like to see him,” I heard the familiar voice of Gaius. I jumped with happiness. He had come to see me.

“You have two minutes,” the knight said as he opened the cell and Gaius came inside. I was still slumped against the wall but I rushed to my feet as he entered.

“Merlin,” he said softly.

“Gaius,” I said to him before he brought me into an embrace.

“You must be freezing,” said Gaius as he took of his robe and helped me into it.

“Thank you Gaius,” I said as I began to warm up a bit.

“I don’t know what to do Merlin...Uther will not listen,” said Gaius.

“What about Arthur?” I asked him.

“He had a huge argument with him about you. Arthur is in a cell down here too. His father will not let him out until your trial is complete and you are dead,” said Gaius.

“I’m going to have to escape,” I said to him.

“Where would you go? You have nowhere...well you have Ealdor,” said Gaius.

“I don’t know Gaius. I love Arthur with all my heart I will miss him dearly but maybe it be best if I leave for now,” I said to him.

“Not yet...keep it up a little longer. By tomorrow afternoon if there is no sign of it happening after the trial break out that evening before your execution the following day,” said Gaius.

I nodded to him as the knight rammed open the cell which meant Gaius’s time was up. He quickly gave me a cuddle before he left the cell and gave me a nod before he turned around the corner. I slumped back down against the wall with the robe keeping me warm. I owe Gaius for’s one of his best robes too.

Helen’s POV

The carriage pulled into Camelot late that evening. King Uther greeted us before we went to one of the guests chambers. “Where is Arthur and Merlin?” I asked him.

He looked at me sadly. “Something has happened,” he began.

“What do you mean? Are they alright?” I asked quickly.

“I’m afraid it’s bad news. I’ve arrested Merlin for using magic and for him enchanting my son to love him,” said Uther. My mouth fell open. How could this be possible who would have told the k.....


If it’s the last thing I ever do I’m going to kill that Witch once and for all. No one messes with my brother’s future specially his love life. Merlin and Arthur are meant to be and she will pay for this with her life.


Here you go guys :)

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One thing what do you think might happen next??

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