Chapter Twenty Six: Uther's dead

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Uther’s POV

Gwaine and Elyan pushed me lightly into my chamber and locked it behind me. I began to shout as loud as I could with pure rage. This couldn’t be happening, not my own son. Everyone keeps betraying me. I never thought Arthur would though.  I hadn’t expected Morgana to either but she had.

I grabbed stuff of my sides and began to chuck it at the locked doors expressing how angry I clearly was. My energy began to drain until I slumped onto the floor with tears rushing to the surface. I never cried but right now everything seems lost. My kingdom is going to be destroyed by that MERLIN!

How dare he do this? He will pay, he will die. My kingdom will not be taken over by magic and sorcerer. I got to my feet looking around for anything that could help me escape but I found nothing. I tried to remember what Arthur had said. This would be what Morgana wanted. Maybe he is right but I still can’t accept my son loving....Merlin. A servant and a man how unlawful could my son get.

Merlin has magic too. He is only in Camelot to destroy us all and I must not allow that to happen. All my people have gone against me and they will all pay for this.

“Oh father I think you finally come to your end,” said Morgana as she appeared out of nowhere.

“Morgana, you are here to kill me?” I asked.

“Indeed I am father. I wanted to watch you pay and be broken and clearly I got that. I thought you would have actually killed Merlin but you’re too weak. You lost everything you had and now I’m here to finish you off.  I still might have Arthur and Merlin to deal with but clearly you can’t do that for me any longer. It’s pointless keeping you alive and no one is going to save you. You’re people hate you Uther Pendragon and they will believe it’s better off without you. I’m afraid there wrong without you it be easier to kill the king and Merlin will not stand in my way any longer either. I’ll kill Arthur and then I have the right to the throne and if people decide to follow that stupid betrayal of his own kind Merlin I’ll just kill him too. I’ll make him suffer too first. Maybe because I’m so nice father I’ll kill Merlin just for you,” said Morgana coming towards me.

I didn’t say anything, I couldn’t find any words. Would you? I had been betrayed by Arthur and now I was going to be killed by my own daughter. I had nothing to live for any longer though she was giving me an easy way out to this whole betrayal and destruction of my kingdom.

This is it. I’m going to die. As much as I’m angry with Arthur I still wished I could have said goodbye and as much as he has betrayed me I’m still proud of him. I didn’t want to watch him die and maybe if Arthur is right about Merlin he will protect him from Morgana.

“Any last words?” she asked looking directly at me. I shook my head. Morgana began to whisper a spell. Not long later I began to feel sick and dizzy and then I couldn’t breathe.

Every breath I took got harder. Every breath felt like it would be my last. I gasped for air crumbling to the floor. Morgana kneeled down in front of me. “Goodbye father.” I looked into her dark cold eyes the love I had seen from her a few years ago completely gone. I continued to stare as I felt my whole body go numb I took my last breath...

Merlin’s POV

I stumbled right behind Arthur not caring if Helen and Gaius were shouting my name to get back in bed. Arthur ran towards his father’s chamber with me right behind him even if I felt really dizzy. Arthur reached the chamber and ran in.

As I reached the chamber I saw Arthur collapsing to the floor over his father’s lifeless body. It is clear Uther’s dead.

“Arthur,” I whispered. He turned his head to look at me with tears in his eyes.

“This is my fault. I pushed him away,” said Arthur.

“Arthur no this isn’t your fault at all how can you say that. I have a bad feeling about this. I think Morgana killed him. It would make sense. She wanted me dead but when she saw your father was unlikely to kill me she found no use for him anymore. She also knew no one would be watching him and took her chance,” I said.

“I was angry with him but I didn’t want him to die,” said Arthur.

“I didn’t want him to die either Arthur,” I said coming towards him.

“I know you have a good heart. You wouldn’t want to see my father dead even if he was going to kill you,” said Arthur. I didn’t know what to say.

“I’m so sorry Arthur,” I said as I kneeled down beside Arthur and took his hand.

“It’s alright. It was going to happen at some point but I guess I didn’t expect it so soon. Morgana killed her own father. She tried to kill you too,” said Arthur.

“I’m alive so that doesn’t matter,” I said to him.

“Yes it does. Without you I don’t know what I would do,” said Arthur.

“Arthur...,” I said

“I loved my father of course I did but I believe I can move on from this in due time but without you I wouldn’t have so I’m glad my father failed at killing you,” said Arthur.

“Arthur don’t say that,” I said.

“You matter more to me then my father did,” said Arthur as he continued to cry. My head was spinning and I couldn’t barley think straight but I brought Arthur into a hug and let him cry on my shoulder.

“Merlin if we ever face Morgana again...will you kill her?” asked Arthur.

“Arthur I can’t promise you that,” I said.

“You have a good heart Merlin and for you to see goodness in people will be your undoing,” said Arthur.

“I’ve been told that before.”


Here you ho guys chapter 26 :)

Only 4 TO GO and then its over guys

I hope you have loved following this story as much as i have done writitng it hehe

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